Preferred method cannabis consumption methods

Overall preferred method during daylight hours of an average day

  • vaporizer unit

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • smoke - bong

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • hot knife

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • tincture

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • edible

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • drink

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • smoke - spliff

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • dab

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • topical

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • smoke - joint (pure)

    Votes: 9 36.0%

  • Total voters
Hello all,

Just wondering what is your preferred method of cannabis consumption during the day and does it vary? For instance, in the morning when you wake up do you smoke a spliff, joint, blunt, bong or take a Pop, dab, edible, tincture, perhaps you even vaporize, hot knife or drink cannabis? In the afternoon do you.... ; in the evening do you.... ; before you sleep.... etc. And what sort of dosing do you use for different times of day? You can be as blunt or as detailed as you like.

Im in Veg right now and I personally trim my leaves as much as i basically can to use the leaf in morning smoothies. I hope to do the same during flower but actually I'll use the smoothies to get het high.. yep, raw fan leaf and maybe buds. Tangerines, cannabis leaf from flowering plant, coconut milk and the rest of the ingredients can vary but the preferred equipment for creating this elixir of life is a slow juicer. I am currently waiting upon the return of my Mighty vaporizer unit (actually I sent my crafty back to STorz and Bickel as it had stopped working and I had been wanting to upgrade to Mighty since pretty much first day I got the crafty so I paid the difference, now soon I will have a lovely new vape) so until I receive it, my preferred method of cannabis consumption is bong hits and back strapped spliffs with about 25-30% tobacco rolled in 'endless hemp papers'. During the day/morning I prefer to take bong hits as I feel they have less of a inebriating effect due to less overall smoke inhalation/asphyxiation. On days when I feel like being a mong I'll start with a spliff. When I go fishing on the river or on the shore we smoke spliffs for convenience but hopefully the mighty will change that. Around campfires we burn spliffs as well and basically in any communal setting we burn spliffs. :/ At night jah know me a have tah bourn a splief. Unfortunately I smoke about 2 grams of bud a day :/ maybe more but due to price constraints I'm certainly limited. I cant wait to get my vape back.

Hope you all take care, best regards
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Bongs at home!

Joints on the road or at parties! Been told I "waste" weed by rolling joints! She said vape's are the best/most efficient method. I would have more to smoke and it would last longer!

I simply looked up at her as I licked the glue on a Zig Zag orange phattie and said, "I grow! Therefor, I can!" holding the joint in her face!
Shatter and budders on nails at parties too!
She said vape's are the best/most efficient method.

I simply looked up at her as I licked the glue on a Zig Zag orange phattie and said, "I grow! Therefor, I can!" holding the joint in her face!
Pics of "she" or I'll think it was a dude
Hello all,

Just wondering what is your preferred method of cannabis consumption during the day and does it vary? For instance, in the morning when you wake up do you smoke a spliff, joint, blunt, bong or take a Pop, dab, edible, tincture, perhaps you even vaporize, hot knife or drink cannabis? In the afternoon do you.... ; in the evening do you.... ; before you sleep.... etc. And what sort of dosing do you use for different times of day? You can be as blunt or as detailed as you like.

Im in Veg right now and I personally trim my leaves as much as i basically can to use the leaf in morning smoothies. I hope to do the same during flower but actually I'll use the smoothies to get het high.. yep, raw fan leaf and maybe buds. Tangerines, cannabis leaf from flowering plant, coconut milk and the rest of the ingredients can vary but the preferred equipment for creating this elixir of life is a slow juicer. I am currently waiting upon the return of my Mighty vaporizer unit (actually I sent my crafty back to STorz and Bickel as it had stopped working and I had been wanting to upgrade to Mighty since pretty much first day I got the crafty so I paid the difference, now soon I will have a lovely new vape) so until I receive it, my preferred method of cannabis consumption is bong hits and back strapped spliffs with about 25-30% tobacco rolled in 'endless hemp papers'. During the day/morning I prefer to take bong hits as I feel they have less of a inebriating effect due to less overall smoke inhalation/asphyxiation. On days when I feel like being a mong I'll start with a spliff. When I go fishing on the river or on the shore we smoke spliffs for convenience but hopefully the mighty will change that. Around campfires we burn spliffs as well and basically in any communal setting we burn spliffs. :/ At night jah know me a have tah bourn a splief. Unfortunately I smoke about 2 grams of bud a day :/ maybe more but due to price constraints I'm certainly limited. I cant wait to get my vape back.

Hope you all take care, best regards

I have a table top vaporizer I use or edibles. But I only "smoke" at night to help me sleep.

It's not called the devils lettuce for nothing.

It's not called the devils lettuce for nothing.

I like Steve Buscemi's = the last one!

But in reality.....That poster was done by the Federal Government! It was from research into medical marijuana.
It covers different maladies treated with MM. The DEA didn't LIKE it!
So they reversed the pictures and made it an anti-MM poster!


Well when you're in a place with 1-98 girl to guy ratio.....and most "girls" think they're men you just wanna live vicariously through others that say they were smoking a J with a girl.
Unfortunately I also forgot to include pipe smoke into the poll but really I would have included even more methods of consumption if allowed. Bubbler, Chalice, shisha pipe, melting it, burning into a glass, etc.

A-Shanti !!!
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Unfortunately I also forgot to include pipe smoke into the poll but really I would have included even more methods of consumption if allowed. Bubbler, Chalice, shisha pipe, melting it, burning into a glass, etc.
Shotgun! With a hot babe of course. I'd take that over any method.....maybe Jessica alba for hot chick but most any would do. Or maybe a Russian or Latina......but not if you have to live with the Latina
One quick question to anyone willing to answer, would you say different forms of smoke give you different high? Like say,,, a 0.3 gram bowl in a pipe vs equivalent in a bong or .5 gram joint vs .5 grams in a pipe I mean in that instance the actual inhaled amount might differ due to continuous combustion of the joint but if you cherry a pipe you also lose some smoke Anyways I personally think vaporizing produces a slightly more overall uplifting effect compared to the soul draining effect of a 80% cannabis 20% tobacco spliff or the sheer brain tickling sit down effect of a fat bong rip. Never-a-devil-weed-user gang for lyfe y0!!! Yea!!

Shotgun! With a hot babe of course. I'd take that over any method.....maybe Jessica alba for hot chick but most any would do. Or maybe a Russian or Latina......but not if you have to live with the Latina
I haven't been shotgunned in a long time and to be fair I don't think a chick ever shotgunned me haha I have shotgunned girls and guys but obviously through my hands for guys. By shotgun I mean putting the lit end of the joint in my mouth and blowing out through the roach into the persons mouth via their hands or lips dependent upon the gender. Everything in life is dependent upon the gender
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I haven't been shotgunned in a long time and to be fair I don't think a chick ever shotgunned me haha I have shotgunned girls and buy but obviously through my hands for guys. By shotgun I mean putting the lit end of the joint in my mouth and blowing out through the roach into the persons mouth via their hands or lips dependent upon the gender. Everything in life is dependent upon the gender
Man you're so sexist. You mean to tell me that you discriminate against men by not putting your lips to there's? What age do you live in?? Seriously ugh.

On a serious note. Many ways to shot gun I think...... I prefer the way it was done in the movie PLATOON.
Well when you're in a place with 1-98 girl to guy ratio.....and most "girls" think they're men you just wanna live vicariously through others that say they were smoking a J with a girl.

Wait... Girls...eek oh no where!?! :o I have a girlfriend but fuck it frivolity is a way of life, let one live their life as fantastical as they so desire. If one wishes to live life through the imaginings of a drunken stupor then so be it, say I, I say I. Proclivity is a way of life y'all
Man you're so sexist. You mean to tell me that you discriminate against men by not putting your lips to there's? What age do you live in?? Seriously ugh.

On a serious note. Many ways to shot gun I think...... I prefer the way it was done in the movie PLATOON.

Haha shiet I'm terribly sorry for my agregious transgression and offences, fellow fine neutral gendered non binary age undefinable, racially undetermined mortal breathing land dweller who walketh and standeth if body alloweth.

Hahah yea that's the more romanticised way of shotgunning id say, bad assery taken to heights never before witnessed on the mortal plane of existence. In theory it's all good and fun but in terms of practicality how feasible is it to get high through a shotgun? Thanks for reminding me that movie by the way it is in dire need of a rewatch