SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

I was just thinking about how different strains prefer different grow conditions: some like hotter soil, some can be grown closer to lights, some can be trimmed hard while others don't like that... it goes on and on. I'm wondering if some strains adapt to SIPs better than others. We're all pretty much just starting out, but maybe over time we can collect some data.

The other thing I've been thinking about is how in my early reading on growing cannabis, I read frequently that the number one rookie mistake is overwatering -- that cannabis is not a plant that likes "wet feet". I'm kind of thinking that SIPs fly in the face of that. Some of the lower leaves on my plants have a sort of droopiness that looks to me like a plant that is overwatered, but overall they seem to be thriving. Not sure what to make of that.
well I don't think this can be completely true or else why would things like DWC where the roots are basically always in water the whole time work? Granted it is oxygenated water so that may be the difference and easy way to replicate that would be to add air stones to either your rez or maybe even your wick to make sure the aire really gets to the roots....But to your point @vostok was preaching this exact thing on about page 7 of this thread... however in another point of conjecture... a lot of the organic growers say you should NEVER let your soil dry out all the way as this basically makes the microbes die off or go dormant... I am still learning just like everyone... and have been for many a years about this plant and the different and best way to grow it... I am not sure where the exact balance is but trying to get there!
this is my 4th run thru this grow cab,, so i am getting a pretty good feel for when to FLIP the lights to 12 12,, so it fills the space
every grow has been from clones,, but I go more on size than age as to when to flip,, i need to check, but I think i vegged these for 18 days before flipping
this has got tro be from clone... if not i would never veg a plant so little from seed...
I dont have enough Height in my grow cab for the storage tub sips,,
the earthbox is only 11 inches tall,, so it fits my cab,, only reason i really bought that one

What is the height in your cab? Those Inntainers are around 16" tall. I may even try mine out in my closet, but I may run into height issues to because my closet is only 5.5 feet tall.
What is the height in your cab? Those Inntainers are around 16" tall. I may even try mine out in my closet, but I may run into height issues to because my closet is only 5.5 feet tall.
I'm going to be be a little over 7 but still have a huge hid light and cooled hood to deal with hence thinking i will try the Inntainers as well.. the 27 gallon i made is way to big for inside
this has got tro be from clone.
yes,, clones sold legally in rec stores here in Oregon
Those Inntainers are around 16" tall
the earthbox stands 11 inches tall, and i need every inch, the colas are just inches under my exhaust fan now, my Grow Cab is probably six and a half feet,, the floor is probably 4 inch thick and i loss a foot or more up top to the giant exhaust fan, hahaha, i really should pony up for a smaller fan, but this fan is SOOOOO Quiet,,
I think the actual space for plant material,, meaning the space above the earthbox and below the fan is probably 45 inches,,, i really need to measure it again
well I don't think this can be completely true or else why would things like DWC where the roots are basically always in water the whole time work? Granted it is oxygenated water so that may be the difference and easy way to replicate that would be to add air stones to either your rez or maybe even your wick to make sure the aire really gets to the roots....But to your point @vostok was preaching this exact thing on about page 7 of this thread... however in another point of conjecture... a lot of the organic growers say you should NEVER let your soil dry out all the way as this basically makes the microbes die off or go dormant... I am still learning just like everyone... and have been for many a years about this plant and the different and best way to grow it... I am not sure where the exact balance is but trying to get there!
yes yes yes,, everything you just said
I'm going to be be a little over 7 but still have a huge hid light and cooled hood to deal with hence thinking i will try the Inntainers as well.. the 27 gallon i made is way to big for inside

That's nice that you have 7 feet of space, seems like you can make it all work with the Inntainers. You could also convert to LED to get more head height. ;-)

yes,, clones sold legally in rec stores here in Oregon

the earthbox stands 11 inches tall, and i need every inch, the colas are just inches under my exhaust fan now, my Grow Cab is probably six and a half feet,, the floor is probably 4 inch thick and i loss a foot or more up top to the giant exhaust fan, hahaha, i really should pony up for a smaller fan, but this fan is SOOOOO Quiet,,
I think the actual space for plant material,, meaning the space above the earthbox and below the fan is probably 45 inches,,, i really need to measure it again

Yeah, I only have about 40 inches from the top of my pots to the bottom of my light when it is raised up as far as it will go... hence the desire for me to use the SCROG. I too think the Inntainers will be a bit too tall in my space. That's okay, I think my adaptation of my Autopots will get me the true SIPS system without the additional height.

Ah, you're a fellow Oregonian... damn winter storm has messed with the 6.5 gallon Autopot delivery.
I am trying a DiY sip-like run consisting of 102l tough boxes as the res using 3g re-usable grocery bags as the wick and 7g fabric pot for growing sitting on top. 2 for each toughbox.

Wick material is recycled pro-mix hp with some added perlite, vermiculite, epsom, dolomite, rock dust and biologicals. Growing medium is the same + mykos and azos. Plan is to run a few strains to get the hang of it.

First thing I noticed is the wicking function exceeded my expectations. Growing medium might actually be too wet. I have been letting them run under lights for two weeks without plants to get an idea of the base evaporation rate and help offset the low humidity from the cold temps.

The 3g wicks are probably overkill but they make a solid base for the growing section. Has anyone had good experience using some sort of air exchange or injection system? I was thinking just putting in some drinking straws down 6" to get more air into the medium. Pros? Cons? Good? Bad?

In the meantime I am going to let the res almost completely dry out.

3 gallins is a lot of wick. Try lowering the water surface(less water or if you have access to ress, lower it).
The way i think wicking, the wick kinda creates a water pillar, the wider the wick and the more absorbing the wick material is, the higher the pillar gets. When i maie mine i wanna have the smartpots on a bench with holes drilled for the wick. And have access to the res so it can raised/lowered or even removed for cleaning. If you can increase/decrease the distance the water has to wick you can control humidity in your pots to perfection
3 gallins is a lot of wick. Try lowering the water surface(less water or if you have access to ress, lower it).
The way i think wicking, the wick kinda creates a water pillar, the wider the wick and the more absorbing the wick material is, the higher the pillar gets. When i maie mine i wanna have the smartpots on a bench with holes drilled for the wick. And have access to the res so it can raised/lowered or even removed for cleaning. If you can increase/decrease the distance the water has to wick you can control humidity in your pots to perfection


Working on it. Here is what I have going so far:

1. Plastic separating the wick and grow medium to reduce the flow. That seems to helped the most so far. I open up a hole in the plastic to increase wicking.

2. Punching holes in the growing medium down to the bottom of the grow medium. This seems to help get more air into the grow medium. I used a thin bamboo stick, pushed it down to the bottom, and turned it in a circle to make a dime sized hole.

3. In some of those holes, I put in drinking straws with slits done the length to get more air down. Not sure if it is needed, maybe will work better later when the plants get big.

The height of the wicks is about 10-12" which gives for a 45-60l amount of water in the res. Since I am using fabric pots, I didn't punch a hole in the bottom so the chambers aren't joined. I only want the roots to stay in the grow pot for this run.
I want subbed in on this...
Good work guys!

I have an earthbox root and veg box siting in my room now, but I haven't planted anything in it! I am stoked to give it a shot though!! Indoor and out!
I want subbed in on this...
Good work guys!

I have an earthbox root and veg box siting in my room now, but I haven't planted anything in it! I am stoked to give it a shot though!! Indoor and out!
how much soil do those hold?,, i think a few of thsee in a 3x3 tent would be cool
Almost the same as the regular earth box, like 1.5-2.0 cu ft.
Mound em up high!

Seems like a lot of dirt compared to my little 5 gal pots i usually grow in. So this will kill whatever I have done in the past simply by having more volume for roots! I'm stoked! They are 18" square so yeah, four of them in a 3x3 would be kick ass!