Garden Knowm
The Love Doctor
Think Progress PHOTOS: The $592 Million U.S. Embassy In Iraq
Is this how you want your money being spent?
Is this how you want your money being spent?
Think Progress PHOTOS: The $592 Million U.S. Embassy In Iraq
Is this how you want your money being spent?
we need to get deeply involved in the arabic region we got a lot of catching up to do i think
plus all products sold for that embassy must be from usa origin meaning all that money goes to americans in the form of thier pay checks
like me![]()
have you ever seen the embassy in Armenia ?
fooking nutz
no is it big? i got a friend whos from there,
ridiculous.... cost more to light that place up than the entire state budget of Alaska... LOL...
i think we found a chick garden doesnt want to fuck
ya right i bet you would still hit it
i dont know...seeing as how there are so many homeless, all the museums were looted and burned down losing thousands of years of valuable history and culture...that money could be used to help alot of people...but since when do we spend more to help then to kill?
while the museums were looted and everything was burning some of the only buildings under security were oil companys
well think about it oil is the spice of life
more like the true christian GOD...
most christians worship oil and they don't even know it.. as they exit their escalades and lincoln navigators in front of their megalopolis churches scatered all over the USA... they claim to worship gpd.. yet any dumb fook can see they worship oil...
CHristianity is the most fooked up cult...