AGH, monster cat ate all the leaf tips!!!


Active Member
ARRRGH. My demon of a cat has been pretty good about staying away from my two plants, but I looked at them tonight and was horrified to see that some time today, he ate all the tips off the leaves. He doesn't seem to have done anything to the base of the plant or to the stems or structure, but all the leaves on the top and many of the side ones are little stumps now. AGH. I am so upset.

So my two questions: 1) Will the cat be okay? He seems to have helped himself to a healthy portion of greenery. 2) Will the plant be okay? It seems to have lost an unhealthy portion of greenery.

Pleeeease help!


Well-Known Member
He ate more than the leaf tips if they're stumps. Its age kind of determines how fast it can come back, but I know of a few people here who've lost plants to animals with munchies and the damn things grew back.

The cat might puke, I'd kick it out.


Well-Known Member
hopfully the cat hasnt aquired a taste for high quality weed. gonna have to keep him away for sure now LOL


Active Member
I might have exaggerated in both directions - it's not just the tips but they're not all stumps. I'd say the worst leaves are stumps but most of them have about 1/3 to 1/4 leaf remaining, some less. That's still a lot of leaf missing! The little monster eats plastic bags so I like to think the leaves are an improvement, but I still want to make sure he'll be okay. The plant that got really messed up is a little over a foot tall. I'm annoyed because I *juuust* topped it off a few days ago, so I'm hoping this won't affect its ability to regenerate itself.

Since we're on the topic... how can I prevent my babies from being eaten again??? What can I use that will ward off my little monstercat but not damage the plant?


Active Member
I might have exaggerated in both directions - it's not just the tips but they're not all stumps. I'd say the worst leaves are stumps but most of them have about 1/3 to 1/4 leaf remaining, some less. That's still a lot of leaf missing! The little monster eats plastic bags so I like to think the leaves are an improvement, but I still want to make sure he'll be okay. The plant that got really messed up is a little over a foot tall. I'm annoyed because I *juuust* topped it off a few days ago, so I'm hoping this won't affect its ability to regenerate itself.

Since we're on the topic... how can I prevent my babies from being eaten again??? What can I use that will ward off my little monstercat but not damage the plant?
You can try closing the door to your grow room.... If it's in an open area you can try locking the cat up (with it's shitter box) in another room.


Well-Known Member
Cats, deer, bears, rats, birds, animals are naturally drawn to the tasty scent of the marijuana plant. They will eat them any chance they are given. The solution? Simple. Keep them away from the plants.


Well-Known Member
Cats, deer, bears, rats, birds, animals are naturally drawn to the tasty scent of the marijuana plant. They will eat them any chance they are given. The solution? Simple. Keep them away from the plants.
this not true. i have three cats that sleep and play in my garden. not one of them has ever even tried to eat a leaf. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
My dog likes to suck on the leaves, she's good about not biting them off after I'd yelled at he a couple times. She eats all the trim that falls on the ground. She also likes to smoke.

The plant should be fine, unless you cat ate more than half the plant, it'll grow.

I hate cats, if it were mine, euthenasia would be my answer :D


Well-Known Member
The cat will be fine, my buddies basset hound ate 4 grams of honey oil, he slept 4 days straight only getting up for water, and pissing himself in his sleep. Lesson learned. :bigjoint:

I don't think weed can kill anything, I've tried.


Active Member
I'm gonna have to. It's weird, because I've had these plants in the same spot for like, a month now, and they have never touched them. I don't know what possessed him, but I'm going to have to sit him down for a serious talking to... Maybe I need to just get one of those grow closets that zip up.

Cats, deer, bears, rats, birds, animals are naturally drawn to the tasty scent of the marijuana plant. They will eat them any chance they are given. The solution? Simple. Keep them away from the plants.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Cats are mostly carnivorous, but some times they get a chlorophyll deficiency which is when they start chewing on plants and grasses. You probably have an indoor kitty so he has access only to what you have inside. They make little cat treats with chlorophyll in them which may help you to save you plants if you feed the cat a cpl of these each week he'll stop biting your babies, unless he develops a taste for da chronic lol :)