Steven Mnuchin is a Lying RAT Bastard..

Oh to be a fly in the wall in your home..Perhaps @Unclebaldrick can submit your name for sainthood along with his?
you would get swatted. I have my faults, appearing as a bigot or racist is not one of them.
Are you even going to try and look in yourself for change ?
Guess what all black people don't eat fried chicken,also some white people love fried chicken.
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OK, so insulting someone over their religion of choice is bad, but how about "fat", or "ugly"? Is it ok to denigrate someone that you don't agree with based on their physical appearance?
OK, so insulting someone over their religion of choice is bad, but how about "fat", or "ugly"? Is it ok to denigrate someone that you don't agree with based on their physical appearance?
It is not just that insulting somebody over their religion is wrong. I don't even care about that. It's about the Holocaust, respect, and rejecting anti-Semitism. Presbyterians do not have the same problem.
It is not just that insulting somebody over their religion is wrong. I don't even care about that. It's about the Holocaust, respect, and rejecting anti-Semitism. Presbyterians do not have the same problem.

I just don't understand the line that you, and others draw around here. It's acceptable to personally attack someone that you disagree with over their physical appearance, but it crosses the line to insult someone over their race or religion. Where is the moral high ground there?
OK, so insulting someone over their religion of choice is bad, but how about "fat", or "ugly"? Is it ok to denigrate someone that you don't agree with based on their physical appearance?
is the person fat or ugly ? If not then that is wrong. If so the you are speaking the truth.
What is a Jew Bastard and does this jew bastard applies to all jews ?
I just don't understand the line that you, and others draw around here. It's acceptable to personally attack someone that you disagree with over their physical appearance, but it crosses the line to insult someone over their race or religion. Where is the moral high ground there?
Within historical context, what Sky said was pretty offensive. So is calling another fat but it's not the same thing. I don't recall people being put into compounds and starved or gassed to death for being fat. The slur of being called fat isn't attached to much other than the perception that fat people are not attractive. In a society where there has been famine, a fat person might be looked upon as immorally indulgent. This is pretty different from the Jewish experience at the hands of antisemitic Europeans or Muslims. A WASP gratuitously calling another person a Jewish Bastard is deliberately using the term in the context of the red handed persecutor.

Sky knew she was trolling when she used the phrase. Maybe the cub who was keeping her satisfied recently rejected her and she needed some release. IDK The gratuitous insult out of the blue drew some appropriate fire. That said, Sky got what she needed.

I don't know if Shy is racist or is antisemitic but she uses the language of people who are. Externally observable actions are all anybody has to decide what a person is like. So, Sky is a racist, bigoted asshole. What other conclusion can we draw?
Within historical context, what Sky said was pretty offensive. So is calling another fat but it's not the same thing. I don't recall people being put into compounds and starved or gassed to death for being fat. The slur of being called fat isn't attached to much other than the perception that fat people are not attractive. In a society where there has been famine, a fat person might be looked upon as immorally indulgent. This is pretty different from the Jewish experience at the hands of antisemitic Europeans or Muslims. A WASP gratuitously calling another person a Jewish Bastard is deliberately using the term in the context of the red handed persecutor.

Sky knew she was trolling when she used the phrase. Maybe the cub who was keeping her satisfied recently rejected her and she needed some release. IDK The gratuitous insult out of the blue drew some appropriate fire. That said, Sky got what she needed.

I don't know if Shy is racist or is antisemitic but she uses the language of people who are. Externally observable actions are all anybody has to decide what a person is like. So, Sky is a racist, bigoted asshole. What other conclusion can we draw?
Thank you. I was busy.
There you what do you think about foreclosing on a .27 balance?


Steven Mnuchin IS a lying JEW bastard:finger:

while i do not approve of the whole "rat bastard jew" thing, i do highly approve of watching trum voters squirm as a globalist banker gets approved after they spent the whole campaign being brainwashed into hating them.

"my opponent meets in secret with globalist bankers to plot the destruction of the sovereignty of the united states" - trum
if they voted for trum, then yes. that is very much fair play.
I welcome the new administration.

"religion of choice". You are showing some ignorance here.

Is religion not a choice? Could I not become Jewish, or Muslim, or Budhist if so chose to?

I don't see any differnce between ridiculing someone over being fat, Jewish, ugly, black, or whatever. They are all intended as a personal insult.

I'm currently arguing the virtues of liberals in another thread with a conservative. My argument is that liberals are more tolerant of others despite our differences. He disagrees. Am I wrong?
Is religion not a choice? Could I not become Jewish, or Muslim, or Budhist if so chose to?

I don't see any differnce between ridiculing someone over being fat, Jewish, ugly, black, or whatever. They are all intended as a personal insult.

I'm currently arguing the virtues of liberals in another thread with a conservative. My argument is that liberals are more tolerant of others despite our differences. He disagrees. Am I wrong?
Even if a person stops believing religious principles, they still have family and social attachments to that community. Can a person choose their family? Then there are the bigots who don't care if a person has rejected the Jewish faith. They still call that person a Jew. And their children too. Nazis had regulations on this that caused people to die who didn't even know they had Jewish heritage in their background. Sky didn't differentiate observant Jews from people with Jewish heritage when she vomited that insult.

History matters and you are ignoring it when you make your argument that all insults are created equal. They aren't.
I'm currently arguing the virtues of liberals in another thread with a conservative. My argument is that liberals are more tolerant of others despite our differences. He disagrees. Am I wrong?
You aren't wrong except "liberal" isn't a monolithic term. Some aren't.
OK, so insulting someone over their religion of choice is bad, but how about "fat", or "ugly"? Is it ok to denigrate someone that you don't agree with based on their physical appearance?

Fuck fat, old and ugly people.

(We should still treat them fairly, but fuck them)