These last few weeks have sucked.


Active Member
These last few weeks have been absolutely horrible, my job made me work overtime even though I am a full time student, I lost my hookup because he sold me an 0 that weighed 25g w/ bag. and I dropped my glass piece on the balcony and shattered it. So now I have no hookup, no weed, and I broke my favorite piece.. fucking A..


Well-Known Member
yeah, it could be one of those weeks. but look at it this way:

u did over time, so u can buy a new piece with that extra cash and if ur growing, u can try it out whenever ur harvest is ready. im sure u will find someone else pushing it.



Well-Known Member
I always bring my Handy dandy digital scale with me whenever I buy a bag.
The people I always buy from know not to screw me.....I'm a regular. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Man i just lost 4 hard drives :(

Lost my graka card :( Running on a crap machine now :(

heh......... hey atleast i can upload photos to this pc :D


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear that, relax and stay possitive and things will turn.....

DWR what up? did ur big bang woman get some green back in her leaves yet??


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear that, relax and stay possitive and things will turn.....

DWR what up? did ur big bang woman get some green back in her leaves yet??

yeah a little.... more litte lime green colour now ..... maybe not lime... but a faded lime ..... like 50% faded lime :P


Well-Known Member
that sucks.. not to worry.. i over nuted my outdoor bitch so im flushing now.. hope the neighbours dont see me..

sorry of hyjackin your thread..

anyone from his/her location that will see some bud to her?????