Lost over 2terrabytes of pics, music... movies.. docu's -- ebooks :( so sad !


Well-Known Member
I cant believe this....... My computer had the feeling she had to give me a hard time.... turn on my pc... nothing fucking blood works!

I open my pc up..... guess what all the cables on the harddrives burnt, also my graphics card is totalled !

I am now using my old pc........ ughhhhhhhhhh !

:wall::wall::wall: No more pictures of my weed !!!!!!!!!!!!

No more newest movies, and the sadest part is...... i lost over 200 giga of new hip hop !!!!!!!!!! All collected over the past 4 months :( !!!!!!!

:wall::wall::wall: I hate this world !!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and i think a the big storm did this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also My hps lights dont seem to be glowing as ORANGE ANYMORE! !!!!!!!!!

:wall::wall::wall::wall: Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Hope they send me my new comp. by the end of this week !!!

and i hope that i get new parts! this is stupid !


Well-Known Member
woot, thats unlucky. should of backed stuff up like me :)

run a 80g main hard drive with a 300g backup. once stuff gets old or i dont use any more, it goes onto the 300.

im sure ull live an learn, i know how it feels losing loads of data, happened to me before


Well-Known Member
woot, thats unlucky. should of backed stuff up like me :)

run a 80g main hard drive with a 300g backup. once stuff gets old or i dont use any more, it goes onto the 300.

im sure ull live an learn, i know how it feels losing loads of data, happened to me before
........ yup very unlucky......


Well-Known Member
when ur not using stuff plug em out.. u got a good deal to not b payin for the 600hps bill, pc,etcccccc......


Well-Known Member
peace ;) i'm about to go out aswell

have fun & dont smoke infront of the police like me yesterday ^^ shock of my life ^^ * edit * they didnt see me.... all cool, but still shock'd me