What game are you playing

The newest rainbow six, yeah I'm behind with the times. Also battlefield one

i have siege and division.

mostly brawlhalla, csgo, and mtg. my steam is NapalmZen.

anybody have dying light on steam? i need a second.

my steam account has almost 100 games.(it's 11 years old) i generally try to mix it up and not play the same game every day.
The newest rainbow six, yeah I'm behind with the times. Also battlefield one
BF1 is good...I like the way the battlepacks and Warbonds work. It should get more interesting with the expansions. The historical bits and medals were done by the crew from the Great War channel on YT, which is a bonus to me.

I'll add Superpower 2 to the list. It has good community updates (data current to 2016) and seems to blend the best parts of Democracy 2 and Geopolitical Simulator together. Worth every cent of the $2.74 I spent. :lol:
BF1 is good...I like the way the battlepacks and Warbonds work. It should get more interesting with the expansions. The historical bits and medals were done by the crew from the Great War channel on YT, which is a bonus to me.

I'll add Superpower 2 to the list. It has good community updates (data current to 2016) and seems to blend the best parts of Democracy 2 and Geopolitical Simulator together. Worth every cent of the $2.74 I spent. :lol:

I haven't played bf1 that far yet, I play like 1 hour every few weeks hah
League of Legends, Need For Speed, Diablo 3: Reaper Souls. Got burned out on WoW

I've been hitting Diablo III lately too. Just put a new build on my Demon Hunter yesterday and steam rolled a GR72 with 6 minutes remaining. That ties my Witch Doctor (running Jade build) for my highest ever.
Forza Horizon 3 on pc

I just looked at that on the website. It looks like a sort of "Need for Speed" game. Last driving game I had was Need for Speed Shift. It was pretty cool, but the online play was awful. How does the Forza Horizon 3 compare to that?
No comparison, forza series is best racer on any platform. Horizion series is more arcade style, Forza 6 etc more serious game play with simulator options.
I'm running a i7, 16gb ram, NVidia 1060 6gb, Logitech g920 setup.. Runs horizon with everything set to max graphics etc 60fps 1080p without even getting warm. Blizzard mountain is stunning.
I've been playing Subterrain on the ps4. I'm still getting the hang of how everything works, it's pretty complex but it's one of those games that's right up my alley.

I see myself playing it quite a bit once I figure out how everything works and that may take a while because it's not very intuitive and I haven't found any FAQ's or a walk through that explains how the many crafting stations work.
Well, I took the plunge yesterday and bought Assetto Corsa with all the mod packs. Good God, what a wonderful simulator. I jumped in an old BMW M3 and it handled EXACTLY like the one I had for years did.

Just amazing.