Since I love different strains I run into this all the time. No stress, just buy a couple products. They're expensive, but will last.
Products with Spinosad (derived from a bacteria), pyrethrins (derived from Chrysamthemums), or azacirachtin (derived from Neem oil) are all safe solutions in your veg space, but you should pull away from using them by week 2 - 3. I'd do treatments every 3 days for a week and then treat weekly with Garden Safe Neem (this is the easiest to mix and is sold at Lowes for like $11)
Here's my Go-to Products for immediate action:
Azamax (Azadirachtin)
Monterrey Garden Insect Spray (Spinosad)
Pyrethrin Garden Insect Spray
You can do a dunk w/ all three of these combine and cover all your bases.