what is wrong with my seedling


New Member
Hey I checked out your growbox link. I think the light is too close. I was following the "put your hand under the light" technique for seedlings only to find out it doesnt apply to seedlings. Mine started lookin droopy like that early on too, it was the heat.


New Member
and i need to transplant it soon !
I got maybe 15 plants alot bigger than that in their original dixie cups still. Im pretty sure that isnt your prob. Couple of mine are on their 5th node still in those cups. Ima transplant 2 weeks prior to flower.

Alpine farmer

New Member
I got maybe 15 plants alot bigger than that in their original dixie cups still. Im pretty sure that isnt your prob. Couple of mine are on their 5th node still in those cups. Ima transplant 2 weeks prior to flower.
oo thats a good thing for me to hear :D

i have no money , and no soil.

tho my friends mom has a organic potting mix , ima ask her for some of it.


New Member
There was a thread, not sure if its on this forum, the "dixie cup challenge". Some dude actually left his plants in dixies all the way thru flower. I wouldnt recommend this as it requires you to always be EXACT with feeding/watering etc.

Alpine farmer

New Member
There was a thread, not sure if its on this forum, the "dixie cup challenge". Some dude actually left his plants in dixies all the way thru flower. I wouldnt recommend this as it requires you to always be EXACT with feeding/watering etc.
lol i would love to see that end product :D

Alpine farmer

New Member
:( :( the leaves have drooped more :( one is touching the ground now.

is it alright , cause the leaves are much larger then the stem. and maybe the leaves are just to heavy for there own good,

am i trippin or what :'(



New Member
If the problem was the lights itll be droopy for another day. Give it time. Whats your watering schedule like?


Well-Known Member
check your other post. those leaves in comparison are as wide as the plant is tall.
imaging if the plant was a foot tall and had leaves that were as big as the plant was tall they would be a foot long and probably sag just like those are.
keep the light close and feed nothing but water for the next 2 weeks


New Member
hrm. No nutes yet right? You PHing the water? You got proper drainage right? Holes in the bottom of the pot? Gotta ask, some people forget this. Also if you're using tap water, keep in mind there are toxic chemicals in it that have been scientifically proven to cause mental retardation and an IQ reduction in children, if you have high levels of this in your area you might wanna get an RO or water distiller just to be safe. If you have to use that gunk, be sure to let the water sit 24 hrs to get rid of the chlorine.

Ya know those two round things that come up very first on a new sprout? Are those deteriorating on yours? Those were the first to go yellow and dry up when I was overheating my babies.


New Member
Ive just recently sprouted 32 different plants, of several strains, and they all look just like his, except the leaves are level or slightly up. I doubt its having trouble holding its leaves up just because of their size.

check your other post. those leaves in comparison are as wide as the plant is tall.
imaging if the plant was a foot tall and had leaves that were as big as the plant was tall they would be a foot long and probably sag just like those are.
keep the light close and feed nothing but water for the next 2 weeks

Alpine farmer

New Member
hrm. No nutes yet right? You PHing the water? You got proper drainage right? Holes in the bottom of the pot? Gotta ask, some people forget this. Also if you're using tap water, keep in mind there are toxic chemicals in it that have been scientifically proven to cause mental retardation and an IQ reduction in children, if you have high levels of this in your area you might wanna get an RO or water distiller just to be safe. If you have to use that gunk, be sure to let the water sit 24 hrs to get rid of the chlorine.

Ya know those two round things that come up very first on a new sprout? Are those deteriorating on yours? Those were the first to go yellow and dry up when I was overheating my babies.
i ph my water , i use tap , but i boil it before hand.

holes in pot yes.

and one of the first leaves is withering away but not the other