CNN lies about crowds


Well-Known Member
I got out and voted in my primary zero back in March of 2016. I voted for Bernie as did the rest of my precinct by a full 5:1 margin, or 80 to 16.

Then I watched them play every dirty trick in the book to derail his campaign without so much as bothering to try and hide what they were doing.

Even so, I still gritted my teeth and voted for Mrs Clinton in November.

You can't accuse me of not being involved, or for sticking with the party when the chips were down.

That said, I think your analysis has more than a grain of truth.
It does come down to two candidates, unless Nader and the like :-D
I didn't know you actually voted for Hillary bro. Props.


Well-Known Member
you live in such a bubble of racism and delusion that only 27% of you inbred, three-toothed, limp-dicked fuckers think president barack obama was born in the united states.

and only 14% of you unfortunate errors who call yourselves human think he is christian.
Tell me then. Is that not the exact same type of bias as saying- Asians are industrious, Russians are corrupt, Blacks are lazy, Scots are frugal, Jews good with money.

It's the same you blind hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
You have an agenda. You're too deceitful to post what else went with it.
you responding to your fellow neo-nazi choomer, the guy who thinks that a website which lists the names, addresses, and pictures of jewish families, including their children, and incites their heavily armed base to harass them in person is a legitimate source of news?

here, let me post that part for full understanding of how your nazi mind works.

Screenshot 2017-01-01 at 8.51.50 PM.png


Well-Known Member
Just a little bit of RIU history for you:
I was one saying that don't count Trump out, and get out and vote. I was kinda making enemies with my liberal friends here that were for Bernie, even after he didn't get the nomination.

Allot of those Bernie Babies(sorry my liberal friends really) wanted a much more progressive candidate.
Allot of those " " Didn't vote because Hillary wasn't Bernie.
So when you pretend that Trump won because he is the best, you're fucking delusional
Hillary still won the popular by 3mil.
Well at least you were aware enough to see what was coming. Most everyone sucked medias tit thinking it was Hillary 100%

I never said Trump won because he is best. Best at what? Winning? Well he was best at winning no doubt. He won.

Don't throw that popular vote shit at me. That's completely irrelevant. That wasn't the game they played, they were playing for the electoral college because that's the game. If the game was for the popular vote that's a completely different strategy and they both would have played it different.

Plus, illegal alien votes are void so who knows what the real popular vote count was. Sure as fuck wasn't Hillary by 3 mil.


Well-Known Member
His portrayal of Republicans is identical to it.
what in the fuck are you talking about?

i am not portraying republicans in any way, i am reminding your old nazi ass how much of a bubble you racist jerkoffs live in.

only 27% of you shit-for-brain cowards think obama was born in the united states, and only 14% of you limp-dicked nazis said he was a christian.