Volcoms first aerogarden grow


Well-Known Member
Day 1: 8/14/08
Today: 9/11/08 (Day 28.)
Air Temp: 76F
Water Temp: 74
Nutrients: Fox Farm Grow Big & Big Bloom
Ph: 6.0

A couple days ago i had to raise the light a little (a couple leaves got burnt) with a piece i cut from the black supports that come with the aerogarden, so that i can raise it in between the aerogarden preset heights to avoid stretching. Today I flushed the rez and added the nutrients at full strength. The ph was a little high so I added 3 drops of ph down which usually puts me at the right level. Yesterday I topped about 2 inches off each plant. I also made an adjustment to how my airstone entered the rez. I took a cap off a jug made a hole in the middle for the hose to go through. I then cut the hose about 2 inches off the top and put on the one way air passage thing. Now whenever I flush all I have to do is disconnect the tube that's actually attached to the air pump itself. And finally here are the pics! As always they go from left to right and the last is of all three.



Well-Known Member
Lookin good. I burnt the shit out of my plant when I went to full strength nutes (fox farm). They recovered, just to let u know. I hope u dont have that problem.


Well-Known Member
Day 1: 8/14/08
Today: 9/15/08 (Day 32)
Air Temp: 77F
Water Temp: 72F
Nutrients: Fox Farm Grow Big & Big Bloom
Ph: 5.7

Today I added 4 40watt soft white cfls. When they get a little taller I plan to add 4 more, which I already have. Sometime between Thursday and Sunday I plan to switch to 12/12. Just not sure exactly what day yet, kinda want them to drink in the extra light for a few days.


Well-Known Member
Looks good Volcom.:hump: I see you had a little nute burn in the first few weeks or so. It happens to us all. Just keep topping off with water and she will always balances out....:weed:


Well-Known Member
Looks good Volcom.:hump: I see you had a little nute burn in the first few weeks or so. It happens to us all. Just keep topping off with water and she will always balances out....:weed:
yea that was awhile back from the AG nutes. The new burning was from leaves touching lights. Ever since I added those 4 cfls they have gotten hella bushy. Can't wait to add the other 4 I have. I think Sunday might be the day to start flowering because I don't want to overstress them. Mainly because Thursday is rez flush day so they need a few days to settle down.


Active Member
ive seen these advertised on TV and have always wanted to buy one and try to grow weed in it, you guys seem to have perfected it, good work


Active Member
2 quick questions:

1) what settings did you originally plant with?

2) how far done did you pack your seeds?

your progress thru 35 days is amazing. good luck on your harvest/ yield!


Well-Known Member
2 quick questions:

1) what settings did you originally plant with?

2) how far done did you pack your seeds?

your progress thru 35 days is amazing. good luck on your harvest/ yield!
I used the tomatoes setting at first then I switched to the 24 hrs super grow setting and I put my seeds pointed side down as close to the top as I could


Active Member
I used the tomatoes setting at first then I switched to the 24 hrs super grow setting and I put my seeds pointed side down as close to the top as I could
24hrs. with the lights? Or just the pumps? Either way, the electricity bill is gonna be fat, lol. . .


Active Member
Right now both and I'm using less energy than 3 standard 100 watt light bulbs

Just so I'm understanding you correctly, since planting the seeds you began with the tomato setting, then went on a 24/7 light/pump schedule? I take it you're still "vegging", since "flowering" calls for a 12/12 schedule? I'm currently on my 1st run with the AG Deluxe (just planted on Monday night, 9/15) & I'm trying to pluck your brain for all the knowledge you make available. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. . . .


Well-Known Member
No prolems always glad to help a fellow grower. As for your questions, I started on 24 then I started having brown sports and one one the leaves were curling under. So I switched to tomatoes 18/6 because it looked like overwatering. The condition didn't fix itself so I did research and found that overnuting (using at nutes at this time) can cause the same leaf curling so I flushed my rez with fresh phed water. I left it on tomatoes until the problem was fixed then switched back to 24/0 and no problems since. I also switched to fox farm nutes at 1/2 strength the feeding chart said. And I only added phed water for 2 weeks and then did a rez flush and used full strength nutes.


Active Member
thanks alot for the info. i germinated my seeds from last fri. til this past monday. however, since i placed them in the AG, i haven't seen any noticeable growth. I'm guessing some patience is called for, but man, I can't help but get a little nervous . . .


Well-Known Member
you can take out the little foam things by pushing up from the bottom if the tap root is out of the seed poke a small hole throught the middle of the sponge (I used a kabob skewer) and point the root towards the hole and put the foam back in the pod and u should be set.