Michigan Commercial Grows


Active Member
I haven't seen a thread on the upcoming commercial laws set for Michigan. If anyone is interested in teaming up post away. I'm in the Detroit area looking to get in the door for the upcoming commercial laws. I've talked to lawyers and I'm not sure I can do this alone.
Man do i want to start something big up... i have the knowledge, a smart business mind, mad awesome ideas to make an empire off this. Most importantly to me though, love for the plant. This is my passion. I will only put out the best. Anyway im nearby but not in mi :(. if you're interested in just having a conversation about who we are each as people or what you're trying to do and what you're looking for in a partner pm me. I will move anywhere in the country for this. I have looked into Colorado licensing and law extensively but will have to do the same for Michigan before i will have some direction. Either way good luck!
That's a weird question. No.
Did my choice of words lead you to believe you know who i am or something? Lol.. Never made wine in my life.
That's a weird question. No.
Did my choice of words lead you to believe you know who i am or something? Lol.. Never made wine in my life.
yeah, just a silly notion, sounded much like a kermit I knew from long ago is all. no harm, carry on kermit2692 !
Out of Maryland here, you guys are only a couple hours up the road . I would love to work with people who love the herbs as much as I do.... what's that's saying " love thy neighbor "
Find a city that will allow it first and see if there's a building there you can buy or lease. Most likely there isn't, most elected officials have probably decided who will grow and dispense in their cities.
In Metro detroit we have a few cities that have a lot of industrial warehouses so I will start making friends with council people as well lol.
Unless you got a couple million forgot about it. Got a lawyer on retainer? Leases, licensing etc. Trying to go commercial will land you in a nice cozy cell. Especially trying to collab with people over the internet. This business is no joke and you better have tons of money to back you. Did I mention having a MMJ lawyer on retainer. Time to find a new venture ! Going at this illegally in a illegal state is foolish !
Apart from the negativity I do understand the process. I'm a business owner I've jumped the hurdles plenty of times. I've already had a meeting with a lawyer. I'm not counting my chickens yet because I know there is a lot that needs to happen to pull this off but not trying isn't going to get me anywhere.
As long as you stay within state, municipal and licensing regulations I don't see how you could be prosecuted. I understand federally it's still illegal but with other state examples, Obama preventing DEA from using funds and now Trump administration removing the "marijuana is bad" page off the website I feel comfortable enough to pursue this. Ah I get it you're all just competing commercial growers preventing competition. Lol jk.
Unless you got a couple million forgot about it. Got a lawyer on retainer? Leases, licensing etc. Trying to go commercial will land you in a nice cozy cell. Especially trying to collab with people over the internet. This business is no joke and you better have tons of money to back you. Did I mention having a MMJ lawyer on retainer. Time to find a new venture ! Going at this illegally in a illegal state is foolish !

Oh, the states got the applications going for growing (500-1k-1500 plant lic), armored car trans (already locked by an individual who was part of this fucked up legislation), processing (edibles,concentrates, etc) and of course Disp.

Lic applications are 10,000 non-refundable dollars. You have even a possession, open container or DUI. Don'y bother applying as your only giving away that 10K (ANY drug conviction or drug related charge is an automatic fail! ALCOHOL offence's ARE considered "drug offence's")

Cali is very correct! Unless you have the money, forget about it!
Unless you have the skills and experience of growing hundreds of plants at one time - forget about it!
A 500 plant grow will need at the very least 4 workers at lights on times. 1 had better be a Hort. He will need a lic. to professionally apply insecticides too.

Any new grow op with even ONE single slip can cause a MAJOR insect or disease problem. Operation design and set up, along with proper cleaning and sterilization before starting will be critical to avoiding those problems..Not to mention proper policies in place to prevent viral infections.

There is so much you need to know and do, to operate a major op. That unless you have greenhouse experience, have or are studying for Hort/Agronomy.....I most likely wouldn't look twice at your application to work in one if I owned it. Let alone use my money to start one!

As long as you stay within state, municipal and licensing regulations I don't see how you could be prosecuted. I understand federally it's still illegal but with other state examples, Obama preventing DEA from using funds and now Trump administration removing the "marijuana is bad" page off the website I feel comfortable enough to pursue this. Ah I get it you're all just competing commercial growers preventing competition. Lol jk.

It's too early in the Trump administration to make that kind of call! He surrounded himself with very "anti" Marijuana people!

There is so much you need to know and do, to operate a major op. That unless you have greenhouse experience, have or are studying for Hort/Agronomy.....I most likely wouldn't look twice at your application to work in one if I owned it. Let alone use my money to start one!

Then again, I have my own crew to call in if I could do it again....
I understand it's too early with Trump but I'm glad I didn't go ahead with my import business. I do plan on having a team. I've talked to some growers in Colorado and they've told me if I can handle my 60 I have now with and trained team 500 won't be no sweat besides the obvious learning curve when in a new facility: setup, temp/humidity control etc. I also don't plan on starting with 500 that's just the maximum. I've run some numbers with expected costs and will start with a smaller number of plants and work up reinvesting so I don't have to raise all the capital up front.
As long as you stay within state, municipal and licensing regulations I don't see how you could be prosecuted. I understand federally it's still illegal but with other state examples, Obama preventing DEA from using funds and now Trump administration removing the "marijuana is bad" page off the website I feel comfortable enough to pursue this. Ah I get it you're all just competing commercial growers preventing competition. Lol jk.

Oh and Chemmy is partly correct!

It is NOT legal as far as over the counter recreational! It's medical only still! The first "legal" medical disp are being est. to open in early 2018.