First Grow, T5, Northern Lights


Well-Known Member
No, because im doing a SOG method, and i am just going to have the t5s for clones in the veg state. but yeah a lb. may last 2 months round here.


Well-Known Member
I think that he was talking about getting an lb from t5's yesterday, but he's only using them for veg.
damn jetset you was supposed to let me know when you do that i wanted to be right behind you lol.but it anywhere from a couple of days to 2 weeks just gotta keep an eye out for balls(males)


Well-Known Member
yup, depends on how far along they are already too, they could start showing any day! or yeah could take a couple weeks...
i fixing up my flowering room trying to get all the leaks covered and then ill throw them in on 12/12...this should be good cause im waitin for my ak47s to come in so ill need to use the t5s for hps will be in use and i can see the difference in growth for my own eyes


Well-Known Member
Yea, would be nice to see a comparison.. I already fixed all my light leaks ahead of time, so no probs there for me. I'm definitely going to try and just put pollen on one bud though because the more I think about it, the more I don't want seeds all over the place..
once i try at least 5-6 strains for myself im gonna see if i can have the set up where i can get at least 1oz off of each strain that would be


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no signs yet, but at least my one baby plant is recovering.. The second set of leaves are kinda toast though, but it's growing more. First I put the light too close and the leaves dry out, then I move it too far away and the thing starts to stretch like crazy, then i put it ontop of the other pot where it's about 3in away and it seems happy.. I think they just can't be 2-3in away to start.. probably more like 4in starting off.

If you don't know what I'm talking about you can see it in the background in the second picture on pg 16


Well-Known Member
they look fine to me haha, yeah i have my lights about 6 inches away right now just to be safe, seems to be working well...


Well-Known Member
glad to see you finally got it figured out, marijuana is a hardy plant my babies i burnt are shedding some of the too damaged foliage but are recovering remarkably well


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wyteberrywidow: They had 9 blades, both about a ft tall.. Alternating nodes didn't quite start yet, but they were close to starting it I'm sure.

Next grow I'm looking at LST and topping.. Yields will go up with the T5. I did nothing this time around, but next time I think I'll be ready to give it a shot. Probably starting with Fem Seeds next time if I go with a different strain.