Trump Cannabis Legalization petition

I guess this prez doesn't give a fuck about America he doesn't wear a flag pin isn't that what Republicans said about Obama when he came into office.

It's petty, I know but Repulicans gave Obama hell about that.

BTW is he trying to resurrect RR image with a pocket square?

How was Benghazi in ANY way illegal?

An understaffed embassy was hit by a flash mob and they mistakenly put the blame elsewhere initially and corrected it when more accurate information surfaced.

i was using it as an example. dating back to the whitewater scandals, i swear i hear her(and/or Bill's) involvement in a new scandal every year or so.

i shouldn't have said "fringe of legality" it's more that she tends to be a target for scandals. or she is simply involved with too many seedy people(Robert Byrd) either way, i don't trust her any more than trump.

That's right this is a blue town, he tried as a Democrat and was rejected for the conman and lack of integrity that he possesses so he went to where those traits are admired...the Republican Party.

even the republicans hate him. the only ones that like him are the christian conspiracy nuts who think Hillary is the Antichrist (im not fucking kidding), the racists(people who hate/fear Islam and Mexicans), and the people who think he will do great because he isn't a politician.(he is, just a different kind)
Watch out, one of the snowflakes took exception when I said that and reported me to GreatWhiteNorth.

isn't greatWHITEnorth the mod who heroically leaped to the defense of the guy who said president barack obama should be fleeing from lions in kenya, then called president barack obama by the outdated and offensive racial slur of "mulatto"?

Who cares he is no worse then ANY of the other canidates
even if he should be running from lions in fucked up Kenya.
Is that how you feel about all black people or just the ones that become president?
How did this go from a political topic to a race issue? I don't see anyone but you bringing this up. I did some homework & discovered that Kenya is a pretty diverse place, quite a few Italians live there, so I guess you don't have to be black to "run from lions in Kenya".
And speaking of black, our president is also half white - not that it gets recognized much, just doesn't sound as good saying our first Mulatto president.

"Mulatto denotes a person with one white parent and one black parent or a person who has both black ancestry and white ancestry like Barack Obama.[1] The term may be perceived as pejorative in some cultures and situations.[2] Its current usage varies greatly."
that commercial has been running in my state a couple of weeks now, what really gets me is it says he's been a strong supporter of equal rights :roll:

Yeah, I spent 5 minutes trying to find the commercial in question and kept finding badly photoshopped images of him with Obama calling Sessions a civil rights champion.