Well-Known Member
would you propose a different strategy?
would you propose a different strategy?
would you propose a different strategy?
impeach trump...would you propose a different strategy?
impeach trump...
Go after the wealthy business men and women that hire illegals, hmmm.
well, sure. that route is available. the left should do it.impeach trump...
not even close to what trumps doing.....As intelligent as lock her up
As intelligent as lock her up
not even close to what trumps doing.....
were working on it....well, sure. that route is available. the left should do it.
Wow, are you saying Trump shagged your ass with a stupid saying, ok.
i hope so. and when it fails will you stfu?were working on it....
As intelligent as lock her up
fuck that, go after ANYONE that hires illegals. make the punishment fit the crime, the more egregious the offense, the harsher the punishment.Go after the wealthy business men and women that hire illegals, hmmm.
when what fails?......1000's of lawsuits? & perjury charges?.....I don't think soi hope so. and when it fails will you stfu?
i hope so. and when it fails will you stfu?
it is true. they'd either have no license or a photocopy that looked just like a license inside one of those wallets with a clear plastic panel. no idea how many of them i ripped in half. personal incredulity does not negate facts bucky boi. i mean, is your default response to a statement that doesn't support your agenda to call it a lie? ask anyone who works in an ER in areas with high illegal alien populations and you'll hear the same thing. they'll also tell you people who welsh on bets are pieces of trash with no legs to stand on. why are you still here buckie boi?
not even remotely, dickless nazi.
trum is in violation of the constitution as we speak.
hillary's never even been indicted - of anything.
you're really fucking dumb, even by the low standards by which we judge nazis.
trum is in violation of the constitution as we speak.