Trump EO's on Border/Immigration

don't have a meltdown just because i called out your lie, racist white trash boy.

Nope, I was drinking and driving the other day. Killed a bus load of kids in an accident and just said in a broken accent that I was an illegal, and then they just told me to go back where I came from, sweet huh:-)
how exactly?
By turning the rest of the world against us. By pursuing beggar thy neighbor trade policies that "drop all boats". Go hang out with your friends, if you have any, and be a selfish prick for a few years - see what happens.

America has gotten rich off of trade - well some Americans anyway. America First will drastically reduce trade and our economy will stall, then sink.

You should read more.
Trump won't be impeached. That's just propaganda for some people to make a load of money.
The Washington Post says they have 10+ secret sources inside trumps team. lol they are more ruthless than he knows..his own are lining up to spill the beans.