How often do you have a Drink?

Hello my name is lokie.

I am an alcoholic. I used to count the hours of the day to determine when to stop drinking
so there would be enough time to sleep/sober up and go back to work. Then start again at the first bar I could find after work. If it was a weekend there was no limit. I would be found with a drink in my hand or on the table beside me 24/7.

I now have a better grip on my consumption practices. About once every 3 months is all
I'm interested in nowadays. But when I do drink there is no limit. I don't stop until the money's gone or the bottle is empty.

Once an alcoholic always an alcoholic.
1 at a time for as long as it takes.

I miss all of the good parties.:-?
just remembered...I got a thing for Frangelico...maybe its bc its all sugar and I'm kind of a sugar whore...mb its bc the bottle of Frangelico looks like the Mrs Butterworth's bottle...but I'll take a couple swigs of that a day...right out of the bottle...white trash that I that hazelnut liqueur...I never drank from the Mrs Butterworths bottle though...not yet anyway