How do you handle a rat?

Well i learned today that im not going too be seeing some of my buds for quite some time now. 3 of my buds were with these other guys and thought it would be a good idea too break into a restaurant and rob it. My buddies are all looking at three years now this other fucker that gave the cops my friends name has 1 year probation. So of course something must be done...was pondering ideas with my bud today while smoking a gas mask:bigjoint: what are your thoughts on dealing with rats...

and no im not going too kill this kid rofl

Wouldn't bother doing anything now, you posted on the internet, and gave too much info
i've missed the old tie um up and lynch um threads lol

He who seeks vengeance must dig two graves one for his enemy & one for himself.”
two weeks ago myself and my wife were attacked in our home by 4 youths armed with guns, tazers and machete's, my girl is a peace loving pacifist who stands 5 ft zero inches, they used a police style breaching ram, came through my front door, smashed her in the face with a metal bar and whilst i was trying to stem the bleeding they dished me up some of the same leaving us both needing stitches to our heads...they also took all my crop.
ruined my new £1500 kingsize bed and wool twist bedroom carpet, smashed my lights, stamped on my 12yr old cat and trampled the gifts we had bought for our familly , i needed a new front door and i lost 2 front teeth.
since then i used facebook my brain, dvla, instagram, and a little bullshit on the phone and so far i have identified 3 of the 4 little plastic gangstas, i'm going to start with their parents addresses , registering them on mailing lists with any, and every, toxic political far right/terror group i can find this is so they have no viable character referees.
then watch their home addresses and note the registration of every vehicle that visits, then over the following few weeks volunteer those registration details in connection with a selection of offences chosen by me !
finally i'm going to post them a little parcel with say 50 extasy and a couple of grams of heroin registered post and inform the police of their intent to collect their drugs......
that's how you deal with rats
two weeks ago myself and my wife were attacked in our home by 4 youths armed with guns, tazers and machete's, my girl is a peace loving pacifist who stands 5 ft zero inches, they used a police style breaching ram, came through my front door, smashed her in the face with a metal bar and whilst i was trying to stem the bleeding they dished me up some of the same leaving us both needing stitches to our heads...they also took all my crop.
ruined my new £1500 kingsize bed and wool twist bedroom carpet, smashed my lights, stamped on my 12yr old cat and trampled the gifts we had bought for our familly , i needed a new front door and i lost 2 front teeth.
since then i used facebook my brain, dvla, instagram, and a little bullshit on the phone and so far i have identified 3 of the 4 little plastic gangstas, i'm going to start with their parents addresses , registering them on mailing lists with any, and every, toxic political far right/terror group i can find this is so they have no viable character referees.
then watch their home addresses and note the registration of every vehicle that visits, then over the following few weeks volunteer those registration details in connection with a selection of offences chosen by me !
finally i'm going to post them a little parcel with say 50 extasy and a couple of grams of heroin registered post and inform the police of their intent to collect their drugs......
that's how you deal with rats
How did little.plastic gangstas know you were growing?
if u need to carry a bat carry a ball also......i now have a fire bucket and an axe on the wall, a cloud based infra red motion activated ip security camera.....
Where did the concept of respect go ? i'm not on about the ebonics "guns bitches and crap jewellery from claires accessories" "you DISRESPECT" me bollox.
if you cannot afford respect to your elders then you must accept you have no respect due, respect and trust are given to those that appreciate that consideration...
i have 7 kids 4 girls and 3 boys just normal young adults EARNING their MONEY and PAYING for their WEED etc.
They have good manners and a very clear identity with right and wrong and guess what it wasn't so hard to instil these key values....
If the little wasters that subjected us to such an unnecessary ordeal had been given some guidance and disciplined for their offensive/self destructive behaviour whilst they were young enough then they should have been repulsed by the very idea....they are now, for want of a better word ADULTS.
a friend had their phone stolen, a fact that i was unaware of.
this friend usually takes any surplus stock, i sent him the usual text letting him know i was done and the rest is history
they were familiar with who i was but didn't know of the grow until they had gotten hold of the phone
i've had to stop growing now... i didn't think it was wise to call the woodentops.
my mrs is taking redundancy shortly and we're off so sunnier shores in good time....Portugal, i'm a freight agent for a large logistics firm and i can work from there just as easily
64021721.jpg this is (the same as) what i used to shoot clays with it's 60 odd years old and i bust my collar bone first shot i fired with the bloody thing