Realistically ~1-2 million total, in death camps. I'm not sold on gas chambers, I'm pretty sure most deaths resulted from starvation and typhoid after allied bombing of supply lines. Nazis definitely killed Jews, deliberately, and bureaucratically, but 11 million from 1939-1945 is a staggering undertaking logistically. No need to be so morbid, you'd think this would be good news, less people died.
I'm not going to go over the whole Holocaust point by point, here's a pretty good synopsis from a guy that's one of the least sensational historians I'm aware of.
Like I said, I'm not denying anything, people did die, it was one of the most disgusting things that have happened and an absolute tragedy. All I care about is the truth, I don't think politics should distort history for any reason, it's very disrespectful to people that were murdered to politicize their deaths.