Trump signs executive orders to advance Keystone XL, Dakota Access pipelines


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3884033
That piece of ice is as large as the state of New York. 2015 was the hottest year on record after 2012, 10 of the hottest years on record have been after 2000..

Denial - at this point - has exceeded embarrassment. We've reached the point, now, where denial of climate change must be ostracized and regarded as obstruction to human justice. I'm unwilling to let you be so stupid as to endanger my future and the future of billions of others.
How many years of reliable data do we have to go on? Maybe 100. That's a speck on a gnats ass if you consider we were under a total sheet of ice 10,000 years ago. How are you going to control the volcanoes that spew more ozone damaging gasses than we have created in the past 100 years? You take extrapolation as fact and expect everyone else to as well. We ain't the bad guys here...we're making a living. Ease up


Well-Known Member
The funny thing the dumb shits don't realise is the only thing red states generally have going for them is shitloads of empty space (and minds, but that's beside the point).

If we updated the national grid from "barely functional" to "modern", they set up solar/wind and sold the electricity then they could probably be the richest state in the union.

If New Mexico (for example) embraced solar it could feed most of the domestic energy needs of the entire country.
Oh that is so bunk
The funny thing the dumb shits don't realise is the only thing red states generally have going for them is shitloads of empty space (and minds, but that's beside the point).

If we updated the national grid from "barely functional" to "modern", they set up solar/wind and sold the electricity then they could probably be the richest state in the union.

If New Mexico (for example) embraced solar it could feed most of the domestic energy needs of the entire country.
That is so bunk! It's called fake news today. Where did you ever come up with that misinformation.


Well-Known Member
2 days ago: 50,000 gallons of crude spilled onto canadian farm land

1 day ago: 140,000 gallons of diesel spilled onto iowa farm land

today: nothing, so far.
And a lithium battery overheated and exploded catching it on fire. Don't blame the fuel blame the dumbass human


Well-Known Member
the future is coming & oil isn't in energy will save us
Hey I agree 100%. Oil is not the future but it is the present and will be for our lifetime. No doubt it will get phased out for the most part but not until our technology catches up. We are decades behind in what people are demanding now.


Well-Known Member
Hey I agree 100%. Oil is not the future but it is the present and will be for our lifetime. No doubt it will get phased out for the most part but not until our technology catches up. We are decades behind in what people are demanding now.
when you find yourself in a hole.....quit digging. Stop drilling for oil....


Well-Known Member
So what do you say to the people who claim mining is raping the earth? How does this differ from coal or is it easy to turn away from because it's on top of the ground instead of underneath. It's like desalination...there's a shit ton of leftovers when you finish. Just like converting lithium... gots to go somewhere


Well-Known Member
the sad thing is that this pipeline isn't for American's for foreigners to move oil to sell to other foreigners....across America.....WTF?
No it's not it's shale sands from Canada and it's flowing to the gulf coast to be refined, not sold to foreigners. So leave out the WTF already.


Well-Known Member
So what do you say to the people who claim mining is raping the earth? How does this differ from coal or is it easy to turn away from because it's on top of the ground instead of underneath. It's like desalination...there's a shit ton of leftovers when you finish. Just like converting lithium... gots to go somewhere
Lithium is reclaimed from recycling batteries....oil? not so much


Well-Known Member
Tesla battery factory in Nevada is 100% off electric lines, no gas lines running to it....


Well-Known Member
That New Mexico can supply our energy requirements with solar. Whatcha going to do at night...rely on Arizona to cover their state in batteries? Remember solar is only as good as the batteries it charges
Actually not. The power is directly useful without batteries, it just can't be stored. Oddly enough, power demand spikes when the sun is out and decreases at night.