Sticking Our Head In Tar Sands

So DARPA is Wrong?
Well then
Get off the Internet

It wasn't the US who invented how we currently connect to the internet. TCP is what we use. It was a modification of a French protocol as an alternative to ARPANET, codesigned by an American named Cerf and two French named Zimmerman and Pouzin. DARPA then contracted out th BBN Technologies, Stanford University, and the University College London to interconnect ARPANET. So even if ARPANET stayed private, the rest of the world would have had the internet first.

So to conclude, neither Al Gore nor DARPA invented the internet.
DARPA has been responsible for funding the development of many technologies
like I said. The Internet was started by universities, they used funding from DARPA, woop dee doo daaa. The universities started the internet, not government, government just saw something to fund that might be useful in making us a more efficient killer on the battlefield.
like I said. The Internet was started by universities, they used funding from DARPA, woop dee doo daaa. The universities started the internet, not government, government just saw something to fund that might be useful in making us a more efficient killer on the battlefield.

Thank you very much
Thank you very much

Wtf? The US government didn't fund the internet's development. All it did was fund an early adopter program so it could figure out ways to exploit this new technology already being formed, with or without its funding. It wasn't the government's intent to supply the internet to the world, or its own people. It was an attempt at gaining power.
Wtf? The US government didn't fund the internet's development. All it did was fund an early adopter program so it could figure out ways to exploit this new technology already being formed, with or without its funding. It wasn't the government's intent to supply the internet to the world, or its own people. It was an attempt at gaining power.
He never understands the issues, its like a lost child in a blizzard. zero visibility.
Sticking Our Head In Tar Sands

Posted 11/11/2011 06:28 PM ET

Energy Policy: The administration plans to study rerouting the Keystone XL pipeline until after next year's election, delaying needed jobs and energy. By that time, Canada's oil will be on its way to China.

That the American people are merely human sacrifices on the altar of environmentalism is seen by Thursday's announcement by the State Department that it has caved in to greenie demands that the Keystone XL pipeline intended to bring Canadian tar sands oil to the American market be rerouted around an aquifer that supplies water to eight states.

The process will take at least a year, kicking the oil can down the road past the November 2012 election. It is our fear that if President Obama is re-elected, the project will be scuttled permanently. That may be a moot point because as we have noted Canada is quite ready to run a pipeline to its West Coast and send its tar sands oil to an energy-hungry China.

Political considerations weighed heavily in the decision by an administration in which re-election trumps everything else, whether it be rising energy prices or the need for jobs. Environmentalists had warned the administration they might find other things to do in 2012 if Keystone XL was approved.

"This is not just about LCV (League of Conservation Voters), which spent nearly $1 million to help elect Obama in 2008, or any other group that engages in electoral politics in the upcoming election," said Tiernan Sittenfeld, the league's senior vice president for government affairs, in a not-so-veiled threat.

"It's about people out there who care deeply about the environment, how much they volunteer, how many doors they knock on, how much they contribute directly," Sittenfeld added. "We have LCV supporters who maxed out in the Obama campaign in 2008 who have told us they are not going to give this time around if the president approves this pipeline."

Ironically, a number of unions, a major part of the Democratic base, are backing the project, including the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, the International Union of Operating Engineers, the Teamsters, the Laborers' International Union, the Building & Construction Trades Department of the AFL-CIO, and the United Association of Plumbers & Pipe Fitters for the U.S. and Canada. They want the jobs.

The Keystone XL pipeline would carry as much as 700,000 barrels of oil a day, doubling the capacity of an existing pipeline operated by TransCanada in the upper Midwest. The 36-inch pipeline carrying oil derived from tar sands in Alberta, Canada, to Gulf Coast refineries would create about 20,000 construction and manufacturing jobs, union jobs, that will increase the personal income of American workers by $6.5 billion.

According to the Energy Policy Research Foundation, TransCanada "is looking to expand the Keystone XL capability by offering Bakken oil producers located in Montana and North Dakota a chance to link into the pipeline and send their crude to the Gulf Coast refineries for the first time."

Joe Oliver, Canada's natural resource minister, recently told Reuters that if the pipeline wasn't approved "we'll simply have to intensify our efforts to sell the oil elsewhere."

That elsewhere is China. As we have noted, Sinopec, a Chinese state-controlled oil company, has a stake in a $5.5 billion plan to build the Northern Gateway Pipeline from Alberta to the Pacific Coast province of British Columbia.

Environmentalists say the pipeline would endanger the Ogallala aquifer in Nebraska and other states along the route. Yet they ignore the fact that 50,000 miles of pipeline already crisscrosses the U.S., including Nebraska. The technology is neither new nor unsafe. One of these is the Keystone 1 pipeline, which already carries crude from the oil sands.

America needs reliable energy and jobs. President Obama needs campaign donations and foot soldiers.

Unfortunately, he has once again chosen self-interest over the national interest.
sick. just sick. this isn't about unions. this is about porr biz practice, poor planning, & stupid people with way too much power worried about re-election over job creation.

one minute its "say no to special interests" & the next its "give in to special interests".

lie on hot buttered lies.
and a house built upon the sands fraud.

this isnt a democrat or repubelickan issue. the article is about the ugly nature of power politics versus the global economy. china prays we stay divided on this pipeline & then moves in to claim the goodies in our backyard.

lack of action in this economy should be considered an attack on your shrinking pocket book/wallet... cause the rich could care less.
Go away troll. You're not funny. It's a shame the mental housing closed down because my government is too much of a cheap bastard.
Go away troll. You're not funny. It's a shame the mental housing closed down because my government is too much of a cheap bastard.
So you are not going to tell us again about the Browns and the Venezelans
It seemed such an "interesting" story when you told it and seemed to say a lot about your Views on Race
Tell everyone again about those "browns"
Isn't it interesting how Progressives see racism in every argument? What is it like to see the world through their myopic eyes? "Oh, a piece of rope ... must be a lynching somewhere!" "Oh, the frying pan is black ... must be a white Conservative beating a black man somewhere!" "Oh, a black man 'pretending' to be a conservative running for president ... he must be a woman abuser!"
Isn't it interesting how Progressives see racism in every argument? What is it like to see the world through their myopic eyes? "Oh, a piece of rope ... must be a lynching somewhere!" "Oh, the frying pan is black ... must be a white Conservative beating a black man somewhere!" "Oh, a black man 'pretending' to be a conservative running for president ... he must be a woman abuser!"

generalize much? we see racism where there's racism and aren't afraid to call it out. racism isn't just this negative thing... there's humorous racism, hateful racism, etc.. then there's denied racism... you know, when you start acting racist and blame everybody else of accusing you of something you 'haven't' done....

that black conservative has 4 women accusing him of sexual harassment, and 2 of them were paid off by the organization he used to run.

if the harvard law review, while obama was the president, paid off women to keep mum about alleged sexual harassment, conservatives would be having congressional hearings about it....
generalize much? we see racism where there's racism and aren't afraid to call it out. racism isn't just this negative thing... there's humorous racism, hateful racism, etc.. then there's denied racism... you know, when you start acting racist and blame everybody else of accusing you of something you 'haven't' done....

that black conservative has 4 women accusing him of sexual harassment, and 2 of them were paid off by the organization he used to run.

if the harvard law review, while obama was the president, paid off women to keep mum about alleged sexual harassment, conservatives would be having congressional hearings about it....

Maybe YOU see racism only where there's true racism, but that's not the case with the radicals on the Left. And note that I said "radicals."

And Herman Cain hasn't been convicted of anything, nor, unlike Clintoon, is there any evidence. Can you produce anything of substance like DNA on a blue dress. :lol:
it's great this author completely ignores any environmental impact this pipeline might have as pandering to an environmentalist base.

what about the chemical release exploitation of this resource will cause????

maybe it's not emotional biases... maybe it's scientific data...

it's still a debate... but it's premature to pick a side before even the intellectuals agree... maybe it's that the intellectuals are now 'bought' by special interests... we just don't know anymore.... because all the money is held by a handful of special interests...

that's what's killing the jobs and the economy in this country.... not obama....
Know what else everyone is forgetting? When you put gas in your car you occasionally spill a drop or 2, for that reason i believe that Gasoline should be made illegal, you just don't know how many animals and plants might die from those drops that get spilled, think of the millions of drops that spill everyday, millions of gallons of gasoline spilled everyday and no one seems to care.