Trump's Inflating Job Numbers by 500,000 jobs from March 2018 to March 2019

Why thank you.
I am precious, actually.

It's not hard to do. I'll tell you how.
Just, be nice. Smile at people.
Be positive.
Try to be helpful. Be creative when solving problems.
After defining the problem, skip the blame and get right to solutions.
Listen to other people's perspective, if they're wrong try to show them the light, but consider that they just might be right.

Realize that sometimes it is necessary to burn the room down and start again (anarchy and chaos), but usually a problem can be addressed without such drastic action and a better outcome can happen.

Try it, and you may become precious too.
You know show a fake veneer or lots of veneers and look like an orange coelacanth! skip responsibility go to blame realize its necessary to narcissistically fuck the world .
I don't understand the memes.
If you have something that you want to be heard, speak up.
If not, I will just post a pix of my Yorkshire Terrier.
Aren't words great?
Better than memes that some kid drew yesterday.

Congratulations. And it was used correctly in a sentence and spelled correctly. It is the word of the day:

From Wikipedia
The word "coelacanth" is derived from the Greek for “hollow spine”, because of the fish's unique hollow spine fins. Coelacanths are large, plump, lobe-finned fish that can grow to more than 2 meters (6 feet 6 inches) and weigh around 90 kilograms (200 pounds). They are estimated to live for 60 years or more.
I don't understand the memes.
If you have something that you want to be heard, speak up.
If not, I will just post a pix of my Yorkshire Terrier.
Editorial cartoons speak volumes about current events, if yer too stupid to figure it out it's your problem and nobody else's :D
If you are too stupid to form your own ideas and express them intelligently ... guess it could be my problem.
Probably not because you don't have the power to affect my life.
IF you were able to form your own ideas and express them, you MIGHT have the power to affect others.
But, alas, you can not think for yourself, so I will always be able to think circles around you.
Aren't words great?
Better than memes that some kid drew yesterday.

Congratulations. And it was used correctly in a sentence and spelled correctly. It is the word of the day:

From Wikipedia
The word "coelacanth" is derived from the Greek for “hollow spine”, because of the fish's unique hollow spine fins. Coelacanths are large, plump, lobe-finned fish that can grow to more than 2 meters (6 feet 6 inches) and weigh around 90 kilograms (200 pounds). They are estimated to live for 60 years or more.
Go to bed old boy
If you are too stupid to form your own ideas and express them intelligently ... guess it could be my problem.
Probably not because you don't have the power to affect my life.
IF you were able to form your own ideas and express them, you MIGHT have the power to affect others.
But, alas, you can not think for yourself, so I will always be able to think circles around you.
You keep thinking that way sport... :D
maga vision.jpg
I don't read cartoons.
So, all I got from that is what words you were able for form. Thank you, I WILL keep thinking that way
It is called 'critical thinking', and 'reasoning' ... some call it 'wisdom'.
I could teach you some skills, I think.
You're an antisocial personality with a sock puppet account and of no account. Big egos ain't wise, you ain't wise.
He’s clearly drunk
Nothing wrong with drunk, do it occasionally, but being an asshole while drunk (or not) in the actual real world can be quite painful. I love these guys that act all educated and brainy but are typically losers who have nothing except shit for brains. Anyone who would support your current president is exactly that, shit for brains........a sad commentary for where your country has ended up, laughing stock of the world, waiting for the next bombshell to drop.
Aren't words great?
Better than memes that some kid drew yesterday.

Congratulations. And it was used correctly in a sentence and spelled correctly. It is the word of the day:

From Wikipedia
The word "coelacanth" is derived from the Greek for “hollow spine”, because of the fish's unique hollow spine fins. Coelacanths are large, plump, lobe-finned fish that can grow to more than 2 meters (6 feet 6 inches) and weigh around 90 kilograms (200 pounds). They are estimated to live for 60 years or more.
No the word of the day is dotard! You and Trump are dotards.
If you are too stupid to form your own ideas and express them intelligently ... guess it could be my problem.
Probably not because you don't have the power to affect my life.
IF you were able to form your own ideas and express them, you MIGHT have the power to affect others.
But, alas, you can not think for yourself, so I will always be able to think circles around you.
You're an antisocial personality with a sock puppet account and of no account. Big egos ain't wise, you ain't wise.
You are not the only person who has noted 'antisocial' on my 'permanent records'.
First time was, I believe, second grade.

It was in the fourth grade that I remember my dad telling me that, "One of these days boy, your mouth is gonna get you in a lot of trouble." I think I had told a teacher that they were wrong about something - and I proved it - and got in trouble for it.
He was right, but I been able to handle it so far.

I don't filter well. Tis true.
And, I don't suffer the presence of fools easily, though I have tempered with age.
You are not the only person who has noted 'antisocial' on my 'permanent records'.
First time was, I believe, second grade.

It was in the fourth grade that I remember my dad telling me that, "One of these days boy, your mouth is gonna get you in a lot of trouble." I think I had told a teacher that they were wrong about something - and I proved it - and got in trouble for it.
He was right, but I been able to handle it so far.

I don't filter well. Tis true.
And, I don't suffer the presence of fools easily, though I have tempered with age.
Did you sleep off that whiskey bender last night, grandpa racist?
If you are too stupid to form your own ideas and express them intelligently ... guess it could be my problem.
Probably not because you don't have the power to affect my life.
IF you were able to form your own ideas and express them, you MIGHT have the power to affect others.
But, alas, you can not think for yourself, so I will always be able to think circles around you.
Dehumanizing China's 1.4 billion people by likening them to ants and claiming they don't value life whatsoever is not an original thing to say either.