Mane's Indoor Summer Extoic Grow


Well-Known Member
So hows the weedlings lookin today mane? You shoudve had a bit of growth?

I wanna see you earn that Mr ganja title under your name man :lol: :hump:


Well-Known Member
these are the AI that were planted like last week.
in rockwool
given 1/4 strength at the 2nd leaf set.
more leaf sets come but the older ones dont get bigger


Well-Known Member
those are almost cute. i'm a little confused. why do they look like miniture plants? maybe the picture is too blury, but they look a little grown up mini's.


Well-Known Member
yea they drip system.
i think im going to go ahead and top of with fresh water and see what that does.
thanks for the tip.


Well-Known Member
ph 5.7-5.8
drip sys
ppm 285
i dont know the res temp but its luke warm.
I dont know ppm so i dont know if 285 is high or not, i used to start my seedlings of on an ec of 0.8-1.0.

Is it a constant drip or timed system?

Whats your room temp and humidity?

If your res feels lukewarm to your hand then the solution temp could be too high because your body temp is 37*c ish so it would need to be nearly that temp to register as lukewarm to your hand, shit i havnt grown in hydro for years but im sure optimal res temp is about 21-23*c??

Do you have a thermometer with an external temp probe? if so stick the probe in the nute solution and see what kinda res temp your dealing with?


Well-Known Member
Your ppm should run 600-800 no higher though until you can diagnose problems just by sight. and freeze bottles of water and put in there, that should cool the water off a bit, 60-65F is ideal for hydro setups. luke warm is inviting root rot and fungus


Well-Known Member
I think your res temp is too high.......

Water quickly become anaerobic (oxegenless) or stagnant when the res temp is too high, meaning your roots are starving of oxegen, when roots are starved of oxegen your plants can present symptoms like that, almost looks like overwatering in soil, which is a similar scenario when excess water being held in the soil cannot be uptaken quick enough by the plant and the water becomes anaerobic around the roots starving them of oxegen and then wilting like that, high res temps are also an invite for root pathogens and bacterias. Im pretty sure high res temps can lockout certain nutrients aswell and give you inaccurate ph readings.