Trump's First Week in Office. A poll.

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David Boggs

Well-Known Member
LOTS OF DEM, love TRUMP that has brains to vote for the AMERICAN people AS I DID. The people that's not here legal in the states legal needs ran out of are country .It is funny to watch sore loosers cry like they do after election like little kids.YOU CAN CRY A RIVER FULL BUT TRUMP IS HERE TO STAY AS YOUR AND MY PRESIDENT SO STOP CRYING AND WORK WITH ARE NEW PRESIDENT.Cry on you loosers TRUMPS here for 8 years not 4 and we love him for keeping his word on draining the swamp and he is doing a great job.


Well-Known Member
LOTS OF DEM, love TRUMP that has brains to vote for the AMERICAN people AS I DID. The people that's not here legal in the states legal needs ran out of are country .It is funny to watch sore loosers cry like they do after election like little kids.YOU CAN CRY A RIVER FULL BUT TRUMP IS HERE TO STAY AS YOUR AND MY PRESIDENT SO STOP CRYING AND WORK WITH ARE NEW PRESIDENT.Cry on you loosers TRUMPS here for 8 years not 4 and we love him for keeping his word on draining the swamp and he is doing a great job.
i understand you collect a disability check and food stamps. do you also rely on KYNECT for your free government healthcare?


Well-Known Member
LOTS OF DEM, love TRUMP that has brains to vote for the AMERICAN people AS I DID. The people that's not here legal in the states legal needs ran out of are country .It is funny to watch sore loosers cry like they do after election like little kids.YOU CAN CRY A RIVER FULL BUT TRUMP IS HERE TO STAY AS YOUR AND MY PRESIDENT SO STOP CRYING AND WORK WITH ARE NEW PRESIDENT.Cry on you loosers TRUMPS here for 8 years not 4 and we love him for keeping his word on draining the swamp and he is doing a great job.
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Well-Known Member
LOTS OF DEM, love TRUMP that has brains to vote for the AMERICAN people AS I DID. The people that's not here legal in the states legal needs ran out of are country .It is funny to watch sore loosers cry like they do after election like little kids.YOU CAN CRY A RIVER FULL BUT TRUMP IS HERE TO STAY AS YOUR AND MY PRESIDENT SO STOP CRYING AND WORK WITH ARE NEW PRESIDENT.Cry on you loosers TRUMPS here for 8 years not 4 and we love him for keeping his word on draining the swamp and he is doing a great job.
Please explain how the Chump is draining the swamp? I'm genuinely curious to hear how you arrive at this conclusion, based on recent events?


Well-Known Member
Responding to the poll in the thread:
I voted the batshit crazy option, but I think the situation is even worse than that.

@Padawanbater2 posted this recently;

This seems to explain a great deal of carefully manufactured and orchestrated turmoil in our government right now.

If this is correct- and the past 25 years have been leading us directly to this point, of that there can be little doubt- then we're witnessing the usurpation of the control of our government in a rather more fundamental way than ever before.

America is acting like it's on a war footing economically and socially where dissent, political engagement, disobedience of any kind must no longer be tolerated. There's only one problem; there's no enemy.

Muslims and immigrants are far less likely to commit acts of terrorism than conservative and/or religious extremists of domestic origin. Yet they and equally industrious Latinos are singled out as enemies. Racism is deliberately being fanned BY OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, now so clearly on the wrong side of any reasonable definition of freedom, equal rights or fair play. I could go on, but here's another list to ponder;


Well-Known Member
Responding to the poll in the thread:
I voted the batshit crazy option, but I think the situation is even worse than that.

@Padawanbater2 posted this recently;

This seems to explain a great deal of carefully manufactured and orchestrated turmoil in our government right now.

If this is correct- and the past 25 years have been leading us directly to this point, of that there can be little doubt- then we're witnessing the usurpation of the control of our government in a rather more fundamental way than ever before.

America is acting like it's on a war footing economically and socially where dissent, political engagement, disobedience of any kind must no longer be tolerated. There's only one problem; there's no enemy.

Muslims and immigrants are far less likely to commit acts of terrorism than conservative and/or religious extremists of domestic origin. Yet they and equally industrious Latinos are singled out as enemies. Racism is deliberately being fanned BY OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, now so clearly on the wrong side of any reasonable definition of freedom, equal rights or fair play. I could go on, but here's another list to ponder;
View attachment 3889505
This needed its own thread.


Well-Known Member
What a stupid thing to say.

Like there isn't big money on the Left. Like the Koch brothers go out and gather poor blacks up and shuttle them to the polls and have them all vote for... Wait.

It ought to be illegal to assist anyone in making it to the polling location who is outside the scope of someone you would normally help.

Nothing says hypocrisy more than a nerdy white girl from Connecticut only ever having black people in her car on election day so the black people can vote for her favorite candidate.


Well-Known Member
What a stupid thing to say.

Like there isn't big money on the Left. Like the Koch brothers go out and gather poor blacks up and shuttle them to the polls and have them all vote for... Wait.

It ought to be illegal to assist anyone in making it to the polling location who is outside the scope of someone you would normally help.

Nothing says hypocrisy more than a nerdy white girl from Connecticut only ever having black people in her car on election day so the black people can vote for her favorite candidate.
Don't worry, it will be soon.



Well-Known Member
Me and my mom had to help my 90 year old grandma to the poles. Guise that makes us bad people lol. Shes voted in every election since the 40s can you imagine what she seen in her life. My grandpa before he died RIP use to tell such amazing storys he was at the invasion of normandy.
Which side? Just kidding. Cannot resist that bad joke.


Well-Known Member
LOTS OF DEM, love TRUMP that has brains to vote for the AMERICAN people AS I DID. The people that's not here legal in the states legal needs ran out of are country .It is funny to watch sore loosers cry like they do after election like little kids.YOU CAN CRY A RIVER FULL BUT TRUMP IS HERE TO STAY AS YOUR AND MY PRESIDENT SO STOP CRYING AND WORK WITH ARE NEW PRESIDENT.
Was @denise grey your English teacher in some religious charter school?

Cry on you loosers TRUMPS here for 8 years not 4
maybe more!

and we love him for keeping his word on draining the swamp and he is doing a great job.
Exactly what was the "swamp" again?
and what is "cheese"?


Well-Known Member
Yeah i had a premonition some one was gonna say that lol she probly doesnt even know she has dementia ;)
I had an uncle land at Utah beach. The only thing he would really say about it is that he was a medic. Medics worked in pairs. When my heavily laden uncle jumped off the landing craft he sank into water over his head. His buddy reached down and grabbed him by the pack and pulled him back up.

My grandfather fought in the Pacific twice with the 1st Marines. He was not inclined to give details. He drank a lot for a few decades after.