Amare SS260 Grow

Hi there! New guy here! Just joined and decided not to waste precious time and jump on a journal.
I bought an Amare SS260 witch will flower a Blue Dream with some help from 2x t5 systems using UV and something else. I could say that I am gonna test this LED but TBH I ain't the best testing fella so 'tis just a journal maybe to get some help.
The girl is under a COB setup and will be moved tomorrow under the Amare cause I don't have a cable for it atm.
Will throw some pics tomorrow when she is ready.
She is doing so well, I love her! She loves the light and she want's more.. But there isn't more bitch!!!!
This morning I started feeding with Ionic Bloom Hard Water, she looks good on the first day with the new nutrient. I switched from AN and hope for the best.
@sixstring2112 thanks man for recommending it to me! (on my other account that I don't use anymore)
@Hybridway u the man! Love your growing!


Well-Known Member
She is to big ... don't have what to put on it. Thread sais Amare grow ... don't have another :))
Mmmnnhhh! Those are the same clusters that are used in my Pro-9, I'm pretty sure. If so, they are allot more intense then they appear by eye according to my Par-meter. W/ that said, you should be able to raise the light until you've got your desired footprint & still have a decent PPFD.
How high is it now? My 9's not up right now but I'm think g of hanging it in the veg room tonight. If so, I'll take some just mono reading for you. Might give you a good idea as to how high you can go while still getting decent #'s on the canopy. Victor's pretty good w/ answering those ?'s too. If you talk to him, maybe ask if those are the same clusters that's in the Pro-9. Then I can shoot you some readings.
I know, your plants perfectly round & the light's a rectangle. I see what you're saying in the pic.
The SE-250 would've been a good one for that plant.
Always wanted the SS-260 though myself. Did you get the Cree or Epi?
Mmmnnhhh! Those are the same clusters that are used in my Pro-9, I'm pretty sure. If so, they are allot more intense then they appear by eye according to my Par-meter. W/ that said, you should be able to raise the light until you've got your desired footprint & still have a decent PPFD.
How high is it now? My 9's not up right now but I'm think g of hanging it in the veg room tonight. If so, I'll take some just mono reading for you. Might give you a good idea as to how high you can go while still getting decent #'s on the canopy. Victor's pretty good w/ answering those ?'s too. If you talk to him, maybe ask if those are the same clusters that's in the Pro-9. Then I can shoot you some readings.
I know, your plants perfectly round & the light's a rectangle. I see what you're saying in the pic.
The SE-250 would've been a good one for that plant.
Always wanted the SS-260 though myself. Did you get the Cree or Epi?
I got the Epi and it's great. Vis said 50cm distance in flower... She is putting up 5 cm in a day. The clusters are as the Pro9... No chance in buying another sooo ... will go like this. Oh I will add some t5 with uvb and maybe some blue/while but not to many w.
I don't like the SS250, I like the Pro9 though and I wanna get another of this SE260 and use it for vege. You can't find a better light for vege lol.
Problem will be in a week or 2 or 3 ... then she will be... she is covering 1m square right now.


Well-Known Member
@Hybridway bro can you help me with some defoliating info? When am I safe to do it? I am 1 week in flower.
And what leaves do I pick and what do I leave ?
I DeFoled a first pistils and just did it again at day 17 although they say second defol @ 21, but the plant was blowing up with tons of buds at day 17, and wanted to do it before the shade leafs got sticky
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Ok, so I took a led from a friend and added to the girl, some very red led. Girl was covered nicely but the stretch is so bad now, most of the branches from the red led tend to go to the Amare side ... She is huge but the looks are not that good. Also the weather went from 0 to 10 and adding that led spiked temps like shit. Weather not on my side for sure.
Just feed her, she was thirsty, leaves droopy and now she is slowly recovering from overwatering. 3l to a 18l pot ... For me, watering with runoff is a No Go!
On the other hand, switching from Advanced Nutrients to Ionic Hard Water seems to be a good choice. I don't have any yellowing what so ever. With AN I always had some issue.
To all the nonbelievers that have the money and the decency to admit they were wrong, get yourselves a cheep ass Amare not Cree but Epi with switches for flower and veg. Don't know if the 100 and 150 watters have thous.
Doesn't Amare have one of thous programs with 90 days money back if you don't like the product? I saw on CLW and the ones that say are made by NASA to grow ganja on mars. Forgot the name ... HPS looking hood with 1w diodes ... Anyways ....
I will take some pics when the overwatering signs ware off.
Temps are staying at 27-28c ... not too good... She doesn't look that happy anymore. Hope for shitty weather ...
q: I have lights on from 05:00 to 16:00, can I change the program while in flower? I mean use the night for cooler temps? From 23:00-10:00? Is it to stressful? And how would I make this switch if even possible? Thanks!



Well-Known Member
Temps are staying at 27-28c ... not too good... She doesn't look that happy anymore. Hope for shitty weather ...
q: I have lights on from 05:00 to 16:00, can I change the program while in flower? I mean use the night for cooler temps? From 23:00-10:00? Is it to stressful? And how would I make this switch if even possible? Thanks!

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If you wanna switch light schedules by more then 4 hrs. I recommend 24 hrs. Of darkness early into flower. Then start your new sched.
Nice plant opened n pruned. Yeah, she'd love a 450. What's she 3.5' wide?
How far into flower? Still within 14 days you should be ok for the switch. Even farther in should be ok. Happens during power outages sometimes.
Looking good. She'll acclimate to the new light but will always lean toward the Amare over the redish I've found.
If you wanna switch light schedules by more then 4 hrs. I recommend 24 hrs. Of darkness early into flower. Then start your new sched.
Nice plant opened n pruned. Yeah, she'd love a 450. What's she 3.5' wide?
How far into flower? Still within 14 days you should be ok for the switch. Even farther in should be ok. Happens during power outages sometimes.
Looking good. She'll acclimate to the new light but will always lean toward the Amare over the redish I've found.
Thanks Hyb! I think I will just change by 2 hours and see what happens. I have 11h on so I have 1h of flexibility.
She is very wide. 3.5 is about right, good eye!
She has around 14 days of flower, looking like she won't be stretching to much from now on, I mean the pref stretch.
I have cut some small branches, a lot of them actually in the past 4 days and she was looking terrible today, guess I overdid it a little or something so I am now afraid to cut more but I need to do it but not so intensive from now on, don't wanna ball up.
Ye man, Amare is nice, there is no doubt in what I see.
Amare is 260w 2 fans this Ebay stuff is 270w 4 fans
Amare is more silent, seems to have better light (plants say), and less heat and for me in this particular situation that 1 or 2 degrees would have made a huge difference.
Ok peace out! Thanks again for keeping an eye out on me!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Hyb! I think I will just change by 2 hours and see what happens. I have 11h on so I have 1h of flexibility.
She is very wide. 3.5 is about right, good eye!
She has around 14 days of flower, looking like she won't be stretching to much from now on, I mean the pref stretch.
I have cut some small branches, a lot of them actually in the past 4 days and she was looking terrible today, guess I overdid it a little or something so I am now afraid to cut more but I need to do it but not so intensive from now on, don't wanna ball up.
Ye man, Amare is nice, there is no doubt in what I see.
Amare is 260w 2 fans this Ebay stuff is 270w 4 fans
Amare is more silent, seems to have better light (plants say), and less heat and for me in this particular situation that 1 or 2 degrees would have made a huge difference.
Ok peace out! Thanks again for keeping an eye out on me!
You're Amare Fam. I gotchur back however I can. I try to get all my pruning done in 1 day so to not cause continuous stress or prolonged healing time. Plus your still early enough into flower that you should be safe from hermism.
If you're switching your light cycle by a whole day period to get to nights I would highly consider the 24hr dark instead of 1 hr a day. That's a pretty girl there. Well shaped. I'd be afraid to do the 1 hr thing if more then 4 is needed. If only 4 then 1/2 hr intervals should be ok. But I'm no expert at switching sched. What I recommended is only what I would do if it were me.
Good luck!
What was your last account name? Maybe I already know you or of you.
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You're Amare Fam. I gotchur back however I can. I try to get all my pruning done in 1 day so to not cause continuous stress or prolonged healing time. Plus your still early enough into flower that you should be safe from hermism.
If you're switching your light cycle by a whole day period to get to nights I would highly consider the 24hr dark instead of 1 hr a day. That's a pretty girl there. Well shaped. I'd be afraid to do the 1 hr thing if more then 4 is needed. If only 4 then 1/2 hr intervals should be ok. But I'm no expert at switching sched. What I recommended is only what I would do if it were me.
Good luck!
What was your last account name? Maybe I already know you or of you.
Well I was thinking switching from 5:00 to 3:00 and off at 14:00, still getting 2 more hours of cold weather and less heat from mid day.