Roundup carcinogenic


Well-Known Member
Salutations Hope you're having a wonderful day. So there's news articles all over that you can read about this . In a nutshell state of California says roundup causes cancer, Monsantos says that's a lie of course , there some legal battle brewing. My personal feelings are I'd love to see all roundup ready crops grown in the USA have a label that says known to the state of California to cause cancer. To save time we could just have one isle at the grocery store that doesn't cause cancer . Not sure if this case is related to trump saying usda EPA cdc can't talk to the press. Cause those agencies would be the ones to deal with a nation wide banning of glyphosphate in are food chain . And are farm system. Feel free to comment and add news stories
To be fair, California has some pretty nutty laws and propositions that other states don't. For example, the fruit based nutritional beverage that I drink has a lead warning on it for no good reason because of CA proposition 65. A single serving of spinach or green beans contains many times more lead than the fruit drink, yet California does not put a warning label on fruits and vegetables. These laws are well intentioned but misleading. They seem to put unnecessary fear into the public, and make it harder for producers...
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To be fair, California has some pretty nutty laws and propositions that other states don't. For example, the fruit based nutritional beverage that I drink has a lead warning on it for no good reason because of CA proposition 65. A single serving of spinach or green beans contains many times more lead than the fruit drink, yet California does not put a warning label on fruits and vegetables. These laws are well intentioned but misleading. They seem to put unnecessary fear into the public, and make it harder for producers...
Don't even look at our gun laws.
It may not be the glyphosate causing cancers as much as the surfactants and other ingredients that are used to make that jug of Roundup.

It's not only GMO plants that it's used on either. Many crops like wheat, legumes and lentils etc are sprayed with Roundup near the end of the crop cycle to hasten ripening so it's in many foods that you wouldn't suspect it to be in.

I'm surrounded by farm fields that that crap and all sorts of other harmful chemicals are sprayed on with the overspray often wafting over my small acreage. It took years of bitching to get the farmer that grows right beside us to be careful about the way the wind is blowing when he sprays. Across the road the field is owned by a different farmer that employs aerial spraying that often blows our way tho.

They couldn't even farm here without chemical fertilizers and multiple sprays as the thin topsoil was worn out within a few years of clearing the boreal forest and farming on the land. The natural micro-fauna in the soil is long since dead so nothing will grow without chemical help.

Mon$atan and others like Cargill are evil corporations and even the farmers I've talked with here admit they were sold a bill of goods when they were first coerced into GMO farming.

Now that Mon$atan has been bought by Bayer we can expect much more of the same. The Nazis that started Bayer sure as hell aren't looking out for our health.

Russia banned GMO years ago and the EU just fought for a ban on glyphosate but due to extensive lobbying by Mon$atan and their ilk ended up with an 18 month moratorium then the battle will have to fought all over again.

no worries though, I know marijuana activists that collect money from investing in private prisons, big pharma too.
as long as you can sleep and enjoy health, carry on.....:|
Private prisons and big pharma are not the same thing as a probably maligned herbicide. Your bias, and the attendant priggery, are interfering with what could have been an actual discussion. ~shrug~
Private prisons and big pharma are not the same thing as a probably maligned herbicide. Your bias, and the attendant priggery, are interfering with what could have been an actual discussion. ~shrug~
I know, simply by reading some of the things you write, that you are well educated, and fairly intellectual.
my question is why you'd want to use something knowingly that "probably" causes cancer
the "probably" is according to World Health Organization
I mean it's all good if you are the ONLY one exposed to it, but we all know that's not true.
I assume you are using it outside, no?
Maybe i'm just too cognizant of the cancer causing things in the world.
and admittedly I may have somewhat of an UN-natural fear of it..
But really?
an un-natural fear would be something that probably won't happen to me.
when in actuality the chances of someone getting cancer in their lifetime is sadly high.
just an observation. we all do things we know we should not be doing. dont take it personal.
using glycophosphate in the garden, supporting anti mj corps(for the cash pay out) are just a couple of them.