Introducing - specializing in DIY and Citizen COBs

lots to lose when you have old chips that nobody wants. inventory is a losing game in a falling price chip market.i maybe sell 10-20 1212s for every 1825 i sell, despite the 1825s being more efficient. sitting on chips for a year to ultimately sell them below cost is not sustainable

for B drivers, pot value = 100k/number of drivers. so for two hooked up together use a 50k, 33.3k for 3, etc.
Do the drivers themselves have to be hooked up to each other, or just wire both drivers to the 50k potentiometer?

Currently plan on having the drivers wired separately, each driver to their respective 3 COBs each
Do the drivers themselves have to be hooked up to each other, or just wire both drivers to the 50k potentiometer?

Currently plan on having the drivers wired separately, each driver to their respective 3 COBs each
just the dimming leads need to be wired to the 50k pot
i guess im the only one that can take vegging plants under t5 @ about 250ppfd and put them under 1000w de without light stress lmao.light stress is a myth unless your hitting them with 60 to 100w per sq ft that aint your problem,plain n simple :wink: @MediheaLed has alot of things working against those plants but light aint one of them.

This wire look okay to use? 18 Gauge, should I get both colors for negative and positive? Or just buy a single 50ft roll?

Id get wire that is rated for 300v or higher, some prefer solid core, works better with most cob holders, else you would need to solder the ends so you can insert them. If you are going to need the wire to bend frequently, like with individual hanging cobs instead of a solid fixture, stranded might be better as its more flexible.
Id get wire that is rated for 300v or higher, some prefer solid core, works better with most cob holders, else you would need to solder the ends so you can insert them. If you are going to need the wire to bend frequently, like with individual hanging cobs instead of a solid fixture, stranded might be better as its more flexible.
Any links? I can't seem to find anything. Need about 50ft I reckon. Solid core is fine, just hard to find for some reason.
If you have a home supply store, you can use "*romex" wire. I had some 14/2 its perfect! rated at 600v. Its also Solid.
romex- jacketed multi conductor.:smile:
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bourns are HQ, no worries
Good to hear. Last thing. 3 prong power cord. Is it easy enough to just solder leads from both drivers into a single 3 prong power cord? Do I need to worry about a certain gauge wire, or should I just wire both separately with their own own cord?
-all non-custom orders thru 1/30 will go out in the morning
-those who were waiting on backordered drivers, they came in today and will also ship tomorrow (320h-1400, 240h-2100, and apv1212 back in stock onsite)
-i have 65 cxm22s built and those will all be shipping out thursday
-was waiting on parts to build the last handful of the custom clu058 engines, those should all be out by friday/saturday
-still have a stack of shipping refund paperwork to go thru, on deck for this weekend thanks for your patience
-hoping to resume taking custom orders this weekend

special thanks to my buddy alan who stepped up and helped me finish up all those customs. as soon as heatsinks come back in we should have plenty of assemblies on the shelf and cobkits will even be offering.... cobkits -no way!

once i get the above knocked out hope to really go over the website and dial in the shipping rates better and integrate a lot of the other great suggestions you guys have offered up.
Thanks cobkits, super excited to try out the 90 cri cxm 22. Any idea when you will have the heatsinks available for purchase? I was thinking about just getting the cobs from you know and ordering some heatsinks from abroad. I see most are predrilled for 3590s, can i work around that by drilling and tapping for the ideal holders you offer?
i have the 3590 heatsinks too. if you use bjbs you only need one other hole, and if you dont care if its perfectly centered, use an existing hole and drill one more. thats the simplest route

3 weeks till we have the right heatsinks, but will have a lot
Cobby, I am considering changing my 3590 3500k 80cri's with either cxm22 3k 90cri or 1825 3k 90cri i was wondering what your thought is on that? are the cxm's a lateral move? Also what is your opinion on the 4k 97cri 1212's and 1812's the spectrum looks huge but i dont know if they are worth my time as a supplemental color.