How much weed will I get??

View attachment 3890231 Diamond girl from greenhouse seeds absolutely beautiful plants!!! Love greenhouse seeds loyal to them forever
Good for you! clap
What's your issue
I feel that being forever loyal to a vendor, any vendor, is a goofy idea. Doubly so when posted as a public proclamation. Eternal love for GHS, of all shady operations, is hard to comprehend. Additionally, all the "guess my yield" threads are literally a joke around here.

I feel that you are either very young, very inexperienced, or actually an advertising shill, but I could be wrong on all counts. My marketing radar is rarely wrong and my first instinct was just to say I think you are a shill for GHS, but again, I could be wrong

Sorry for being an asshole, blame my mom, I know I do.
with 3k worth of lights, 3gal of soil in 5 gal buckets , decent plant count, high yielders(diamond) and healthy so far============1175g DRY is my guess

GHS lost Franco recently(rip), shame

good luck grower
I feel that being forever loyal to a vendor, any vendor, is a goofy idea. Doubly so when posted as a public proclamation. Eternal love for GHS, of all shady operations, is hard to comprehend. Additionally, all the "guess my yield" threads are literally a joke around here.

I feel that you are either very young, very inexperienced, or actually an advertising shill, but I could be wrong on all counts. My marketing radar is rarely wrong and my first instinct was just to say I think you are a shill for GHS, but again, I could be wrong

Sorry for being an asshole, blame my mom, I know I do.
I wish I worked with ghs lol but I don't I'm actually very educated with cannabis and horticulture I'm a happy green thumb and you said greenhouse is shady? How and why they have been amazing to me never once had a problem with them in fact DNA has gave me issues like I buy 6 female seeds and get 4 males!!! Yet I pay 180$ for them lol greenhouse seeds 5 female 100% germination no issues all female 60$ lol