Well-Known Member
Hey guys, noticed the comments on Pro-Mix. I use it 1/2 & 1/2 with triple-mix soil.Yes, I noticed Promix HP has extra ingredients that I am researching. Needless to say before I buy anything I will be reading labels and asking questions. Thanks for the first hand heads up.
There's nothing wrong with the base product which they just add Mycor's to, it's basically peat moss, you can use it as-is or mix as I do. This is the stuff:
However, what I did notice last year and made a mistake by not paying attention and grabbed their newer "All Purpose" mix. That shit is full of crap, they add some slow release garbage and it's all sticks & shit in it as well. Many/most retailers seem to have dropped the good stuff and replaced it with this crap. Stay away, I ran a few plants before realizing what it was and burned the shit out of them, all kinds of defs too, terrible stuff.
Lowes and a local hydro shop are a couple of the only one's I've seen consistently carrying the cleaner Pro-Mix BX...