Now legal. Wut 'bout landlord trouble?

It's official: You are the world's shittiest landlord. How about giving your tenants some privacy?

As to the rest of this thread, you can break down a small tent in under a couple of hours. Uhauls cost $30 to rent for the day, and the uhaul places generally have boxes big enough for full size plants. If it even came down to that. I had to do it once about 10 years ago - pain in the ass, but it's manageable. And that was with a framed up room.
RIGHT on, very well said
my exact reasoning wont fix what needs fixing so i dont care what he says about me growing on his land

Oh you will care once he decides to kick you out and you become homeless. Just sayin. He has every right to do so if you are doing things he does not agree with.
Sorry brother, assuming and obviously, you are referring to yourself - regardless if growing in a "REC" state or even MED state "within the boundries of the law", you can't own, associate with, or be around "cold steel". Your "legal" grow has just become illegal. Not too wise to openly admit to doing something illegal like that on a public forum.
Seems you are incorrect on your statement

Oregon Court Rules Medical Pot Users Can Have Guns
well you need to come up with some links,, such as OLCC Oregon Web links, that state the laws concering MJ growing,, other wise you are just speaking to speak,, got any fact to back that up

We were talking about CA, not Oregon. You chimed in, assumed you are from and knew CA laws.
Giving rental advice to a CA tenant, while not being from CA nor knowing CA law is as good as someone recommending Advanced Nutrients' entire line to some newbie grower.
your such a GOD,, why dont we all follow you around

and I lived in SO CAL for 26 years,, i suppose that counts as Knowing california,,,
you can have this thread,, austa la vista baby

and you get the prime distinction of being my first block on here,, enjoy
your such a GOD,, why dont we all follow you around

and I lived in SO CAL for 26 years,, i suppose that counts as Knowing california,,,
you can have this thread,, austa la vista baby

Nah, was just sayin. Sorry if i hurt your feelings, my apology. I'm ot a kid trying to get into a dick measuring contest. Just trying to give the OP some advice and truth of what he's NOT entitled to.
In your reply to him, you never specifically mentioned Cali, and instead spoke vaguely about states where recreational/medical are legal. That would include Oregon.
that is true, but my location is visable on my profile link, if he wanted to speak about my personally maybe he should have clicked on my picture
besides he acts like we use real names around here,, hahaha,,
and I suggest that every one uses a VPN like i do to hide your real IP address,,
both good suggeestions,,
I do like your feedback here
that is true, but my location is visable on my profile link, if he wanted to speak about my personally maybe he should have clicked on my picture
besides he acts like we use real names around here,, hahaha,,
and I suggest that every one uses a VPN like i do to hide your real IP address,,
both good suggeestions,,
I do like your feedback here

Not saying vpn's are not good ideas (they are), just don't assume that the guvvies don't know who you are or can't track you if you use one.

Believe it or not, pot growers just haven't been a priority for them. Well, not to the scale that child porn or terrorism has been. If that changes, a lot of people will be surprised just how little anonymity they have.
Not saying vpn'that were e not good ideas (they are), just don't assume that the guvvies don't know who you are or can't track you if you use one.

Believe it or not, pot growers just haven't been a priority for them. Well, not to the scale that child porn or terrorism has been. If that changes, a lot of people will be surprised just how little anonymity they have.
Right now we feel pretty good about legal growing in Oregon, if that were to change then shutting down would have to be considered, our state is now going to vote on allowing cannabis clubs with public smoking a really good jump in the right direction
Didn't read everything and I live in CA (actually i'm one of the 10 million people in LA County) if your lease doesn't say you cant grow legal plants or say something about marijuana or cannabis your good. Like mine says no aquariums or water holding furniture like waterbeds and states no illegal activities so according to my lease i'm good. Cops cant do anything unless you are growing outside of the law example your only allowed 6 plants and have 20... LA city it is illegal to grow more than 6 plants for any reason in an unincorporated city. City's that have incorporated have their own rules but since November you can legally have 6 plant anywhere in CA. your landlord can expressly forbid growing marijuana, cannabis, or plants in general if they so desire but must have it in the lease.
It's official: You are the world's shittiest landlord. How about giving your tenants some privacy?

And you're the world's worst reader. Go back to the beginning and read before you shoot your mouth off about things you know nothing about.

My OWNERSHIP trumps your privacy. It's in the contract, dipshit.

You're not allowed in the house if you happen to just "pop by".

Yes, I am. It's my house, and it's part of the contract you signed if you live on one of my properties or any apartment complex in the nation.

Read more. Post less. You'll look less foolish.

Didn't read everything and I live in CA (actually i'm one of the 10 million people in LA County) if your lease doesn't say you cant grow legal plants or say something about marijuana or cannabis your good. Like mine says no aquariums or water holding furniture like waterbeds and states no illegal activities so according to my lease i'm good. Cops cant do anything unless you are growing outside of the law example your only allowed 6 plants and have 20... LA city it is illegal to grow more than 6 plants for any reason in an unincorporated city. City's that have incorporated have their own rules but since November you can legally have 6 plant anywhere in CA. your landlord can expressly forbid growing marijuana, cannabis, or plants in general if they so desire but must have it in the lease.

That too isn't entirely accurate.

It is still illegal under Federal law. The owner could site that as cause for action. (Making you get rid of it or evicting you.)

Again, renters are the ones putting the owners at risk. The worst that can happen to you is you get a ticket or go to jail and you have to find another place to live.

We can lose our properties to law enforcement forever, costing us hundreds of thousands of dollars and our entire futures.

The law will ALWAYS side with the owner in this.

Again, just talk to the land lord ahead of time. If you don't, you fully deserve whatever happens to you if you're caught.
Yes we can. If we find something like that in OUR property, we have every right to know what it is. If you refuse to let us examine what is in the box we can call the police and have them open it.

You really need to educate yourself on the law before you wind up like the countless other people that THINK they know their rights that are completely clueless about them that wind up doing 18 months in jail over it.
If I have a locked safe in an apartment, you have no right to make me open it -- and the police won't do shit without probable cause. If they don't see or smell anything, it's just a box.
BTW: Just because something is in a lease agreement, doesn't mean it is enforceable.
If I have a locked safe in an apartment, you have no right to make me open it -- and the police won't do shit without probable cause. If they don't see or smell anything, it's just a box.

Yes, I do. If you refuse, I can call the police and inform them that I have the idea there is something illegal or dangerous and puts the building at risk that violates the lease in that safe. If you refuse to open it for them so they can inspect it, I can evict you on the spot.

It's that simple.

Someday when you own properties and have to deal will all the people that try to rob you blind, conduct illegal operations, and much more, you'll understand that.
Yes, I do. If you refuse, I can call the police and inform them that I have the idea there is something illegal or dangerous and puts the building at risk that violates the lease in that safe. If you refuse to open it for them so they can inspect it, I can evict you on the spot.

It's that simple.

Someday when you own properties and have to deal will all the people that try to rob you blind, conduct illegal operations, and much more, you'll understand that.
You are wrong. Zero probable cause means you can't do shit.
Put whatever you want in the lease agreement -- doesn't mean it's enforceable.
To date, I've done it twice.

One person is still in jail (he had explosives in a locked footlocker in the storage closet out back that he refused to open) and one the police informed me that it was his personal items and posed no threat. (I'm not allowed to actually look myself. The police do that.)

I can only guess it was items that embarrassed him personally, which I fully understand.

That's in about 18 years of renting properties.
To date, I've done it twice.

One person is still in jail (he had explosives in a locked footlocker in the storage closet out back that he refused to open) and one the police informed me that it was his personal items and posed no threat. (I'm not allowed to actually look myself. The police do that.)

I can only guess it was items that embarrassed him personally, which I fully understand.

That's in about 18 years of renting properties.
What was the probable cause? "I don't know what's in that box" is not probable cause. Ask a cop.
You are lucky your tenants can't afford a good lawyer...