You really compare a large company to an individual that is doing it to help others out and you want to complain about $7 difference in shipping. The few things that you bought go inside a medium flat rate box and its $15 to ship anywhere in the usa.If that is really going to kill you to pay it then you can wait 4-6 weeks and paying less for shipping.
Personally I would rather help out that individual that is here even if it cost more the information and resource is invaluable
There is a old saying on custom made things you can have it 2 out of 3 ways you get to pick, you can have it fast, you can get it cheap, or you can get it done right, but you cant have all 3
I like that saying, seems like something my father would have said to me lol.
If you order 5 Mechatronix 9980 heatsinks, you are gonna pay 50+11 for shipping, so 61$, rated at 48.5W, no side mount
At Cobbys, you are paying 92$ for 5 120mm plus 15$ for shipping, so 107$, rated to 60w I believe, side and top mount
Robin charges 14.50$ per 120mm pin heatsink, so 72.50$ plus 20$ for shipping, so 92.50$, top and side mount, 60W
Cutter charges 12.15 per 9980 heatsink, so 61+30$=91$ (cheaper if you live in AU)
I broke down the cheapest vendors for heatsinks above if anyone is interested. I would have gone with the mechatronix ones and looking back it, maybe I should have selected a different driver so I could run them. But I didn't because
A.) Cheap looking and feeling(according to some)
B.) Were not rated correctly
C.) I wanted to use L aluminum
D.) Pins rid themselves of heat more efficiently
I think if you are a small grower, hobby grower, go for the premium (cobby/robin) heat sinks. It'll cost you more but they look nicer and your products will be finished faster, also they give a more flush looking design.
If you are a large commercial grower, then you don't care what your lights look like, so go for the cheaper ones. You could potentially save 100's if not thousands. I mean look at my example, just for 5 cobs, I could have saved 40$ minimum, that's 2 COBS and 2 Heatsinks. I think it really depends on your situation
Im getting the new 90 cri genration 6 citizens soon, 1212 and 1218