Trouble popping seeds

So I germinted my seeds. All 6 popped with half inch tails. I used the moist paper towel method and sprinkled some mykos on em. Well I plopped themy in my soil, knuckle deep. Tail down. Soil is not too wet or too dry. It's been 4 days. Should I give theme a little more time or inspect?
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Dr Magill

Well-Known Member
When you "pop" em like you have described I have found that if you allow he top part (seed leaves/cotyledons) to develop a bit longer - like 1 to 3 days depending on your set up, the tail you speak of will develop as well. I would also recommend additional methods of bean "popping". Problem eliminated.


Well-Known Member
I had this problem a lot. I'm going to be switching methods for sprouting when I pop my next batch. I'm probably wrong, but I think it shocks the plant moving it from the paper towel and (I use a zip-loc bag) to soil under lights. Just my 2 cents, which is probably worth like 1/2 a penny.

Kevin Pickford

Well-Known Member
Just popped these blues dream..I did the papertowel.. but set the sprouts after 48 hrs on moist ocean forrest with a pinch soil I sprinkled on top...t5 43watt for 24hrs.. And they are reaching for the 250watt mh today just living it.. All 8 are doing great ;)20170202_162115.jpg WP_20170201_005.jpg I'll post pics tomorrow.. Of then opened up under the 250w mh
I had this problem a lot. I'm going to be switching methods for sprouting when I pop my next batch. I'm probably wrong, but I think it shocks the plant moving it from the paper towel and (I use a zip-loc bag) to soil under lights. Just my 2 cents, which is probably worth like 1/2 a penny.
I too use a zip lock. But there isn't really anything to shock ya know?
When you "pop" em like you have described I have found that if you allow he top part (seed leaves/cotyledons) to develop a bit longer - like 1 to 3 days depending on your set up, the tail you speak of will develop as well. I would also recommend additional methods of bean "popping". Problem eliminated.
I'm not sure where I would have gone wrong. I've never had this problem. And every other time I was just fooling around and not really intending on growing them haha.


Well-Known Member
ProTip - Put your seeds 3/8" deep in premoistened seed starting soil mix (basically peat) with a healthy dose of pearlite. Keep it around 80F and you will get your plants. Trying to get them to germinate in water or paper towells is serious stupid. Well, you will get them to germinate, but increase your chance of fuckin them up by 10-fold.

Moisture content in moist soil is perfect, soggy towells are, well, cold and soggy.

Seed in soil easy to control temp on, shot glasses and soggy paper towels are cold, generally.

Have waited 30 years to hear why anything other than seed-in-soil can be improved upon.

As far as I can tell just junior micro-managers that will end up killing their plants w "kindness"
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Well-Known Member
I too use a zip lock. But there isn't really anything to shock ya know?
You can shock the root system, especially if there's a temp change as well as medium and moisture change is what I meant. Also, yeah, I don't really know all that much, first timer experimenting with bag seed and grow methods.


Well-Known Member
The most reliable method I have found to germinate seeds also happens to be the easiest.
Just put the seed(s) in a cup of room temperature water and keep it in a warm (room temp ~76 or so), dark place and leave it alone.
*edit* after 24 hours or so, poke around at it to get it to sink to the bottom.
This takes 3-6 days, let it remain in there an extra day or two so the tail develops a bit more, it won't hurt it to stay in there once popped.
Plant as you described, cover with plastic wrap w/a few holes and keep the soil warm (73F-75F).
It is very important to keep the soil warm and damp; we also want to see moisture form on the plastic wrap, heat from a light accomplishes this well. This takes 3-6 days.

Once it sprouts, remove the plastic and keep it at 73F to prevent it from stretching.
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Well-Known Member
The most reliable method I have found to germinate seeds also happens to be the easiest.
Just put the seed(s) in a cup of room temperature water and keep it in a warm (room temp ~76 or so), dark place and leave it alone.
This takes 3-6 days, let it remain in there an extra day or two so the tail develops a bit more, it won't hurt it to stay in there once popped.
Plant as you described, cover with plastic wrap w/a few holes and keep the soil warm (73F-75F).
It is very important to keep the soil warm and damp; we also want to see moisture form on the plastic wrap, heat from a light accomplishes this well. This takes 3-6 days.

Once it sprouts, remove the plastic and keep it at 73F to prevent it from stretching.

Dont do this, if your seeds are fresh this will guaranteed ruin them. Only old seeds should be soaked, and even then only for 12 hours tops. Straight into soil, or what I do which is jiffy pellets, with the tray, on a heated blanket on low setting. Every single seed I have started this way has sprouted (probably 150-200+)


Well-Known Member
How can you answer a question like that when you don't know: a. the strain b. soil density c. temp. I have been using the paper towel method for over 10 years and with a top quality breeder like Serious seeds my germ. rate is 100%. When using paper towel method give the tail a look under magnification to make sure that the starter root did not penetrate the towel... if it did just cut as much of the surrounding paper as possible and just plant as is. If you have a some loose soil like Miracle Grow the root can grow an inch before vegetative end shows. I have grown some C99 and Blueberry that can take up to 10 days to pop. 80F is ideal for most strains but you have some sativas that like it closer to 90. Needless to say mold is the enemy. For best results from my personal experience apply the mykos to soil after your bean has popped...don't apply the mykos with chlorinated water. For the first few days the chlorine can be your best friend if you live in a humid area.


Well-Known Member
Dont do this, if your seeds are fresh this will guaranteed ruin them. Only old seeds should be soaked, and even then only for 12 hours tops.
Gotta call bullshit on this one.
We will just agree to disagree because this method works every time on seeds i order.


Well-Known Member
All I want to know is why anything other than "seed-in-soil can be improved upon". Oh, yes you can see when they sprout, and then you feel good. Burn one and chill. Start ordering expensive nutes right now.

Pic attached is of raw juvenile root. Those almost microscopic root hairs are what you are ripping off when you wrestle them in and off of paper towels and try to plant an already sprouted seed. They do not like that. Luckily they are a tough plant and persevere despite human effort at improving their life biology.

