what do u think it was cut with?Dude iv got sick as hell off bad pills please dont post stuff like that some kid might see that and take something bad just saying it dosent take much of a bad cut to fuck you off , i may take it tommorow night not sure yet got to work sunday
well u said u took like 100 pills that definitely aint healthy man, 5 grams of shrooms fucked me up mentally i think im fine now thoNo clue but iv had anxiety attacks since i was 18 because of it ruined my life in a way
yea true enough sounds like the states is 10 times worse for itIts a drug in a pill no telling who made them its a risk forshure just want people to no not just to eat anything !
its literately a ebay for drugs lol you need to download a annoymous browser to get access to it, but no never used this vendor before he has all good feedback though thats where all my lsd comes from god bless that website lolHave you took it from that place before ?
whats the point of pressing your own ecstasy pills when You could just eat the molly?
why add more shit ? lol
now if You are trying to sell them...that is a different story...
I wouldnt. lo
Read back bbq were talking about how dangerous pressed pills can be cause anybody can press them and put dangreous cut in them , personally if people dident sell them then were would you get it ? Do you care about that cause i mean youve told me youv ate plenty of pressed pills
I'll eat whatever is in front of Me, if I want....with or without a test kit.Read back bbq were talking about how dangerous pressed pills can be cause they can cut with dangreous stuff besides someone's got to sell them you told me yourself you liked pressed pills because the added cut sometimes just saying
Drug deals are so annoying...im not getting mine until monday anyways never got it today