Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

Hell man even solar would have taken hold ages ago if technological advances were actually advances.... We are so lied to
Hell man even solar would have taken hold ages ago if technological advances were actually advances.... We are so lied to
Fossil fuels have been heavily protected by subsidy for so many decades it's hard to get the system too change.
Yep system is designed to hold back from change until this is Exhausted fully which means fuck the Earth
We are so fucking dumb all we think about is how much money we can get or how much money things cost. Next there will be a tax on oxygen.
More like tax $6 california collects every time i fill up
The subsidies are carefully hidden as tax breaks and preferential treatment. They add up to a lot more than the tax you mentioned- which by the way, goes to build and maintain the roads you're driving on. So try not to overlook the benefits of taxes while you're griping about them.
Fuck those roads tty. They don't require the amount of taxes secured from every other fucking source.
The whole fucking system is BROKEN. The way we think about having a "system" is broken....Need some different thinking all together
The subsidies are carefully hidden as tax breaks and preferential treatment. They add up to a lot more than the tax you mentioned- which by the way, goes to build and maintain the roads you're driving on. So try not to overlook the benefits of taxes while you're griping about them.
I was part of the biggest oil subsides of all. Our fleet protects the oil producing countries. Do you think we love the Saudis because of their culture? I've said for years I would love to see gas taxed to about $5.00 a gallon. Even that might not be the true price we pay for it.

The national gas tax need to be higher. Bridges are falling down, and the tax hasn't gone up in 25-30 years. States have to raise theirs, as they are the one who does most of the road building and they can't go in the red like the nation does.

Taxes do work as a means to shape consumption. Smoking is at historic lows in this country and cars in Europe routinely get 40-50 mpg.
And now for the weather. It's another warm day today. At 1440 it's overcast, 74F {the forecast high} with 60% humidity. Forecast low for tonight is 39F with 20% chance of rain. My 10 day has one other low in the 30's, a 36F for next Saturday morning. The last light frost I had was when the low was forecast as 37F.
I was part of the biggest oil subsides of all. Our fleet protects the oil producing countries. Do you think we love the Saudis because of their culture? I've said for years I would love to see gas taxed to about $5.00 a gallon. Even that might not be the true price we pay for it.

The national gas tax need to be higher. Bridges are falling down, and the tax hasn't gone up in 25-30 years. States have to raise theirs, as they are the one who does most of the road building and they can't go in the red like the nation does.

Taxes do work as a means to shape consumption. Smoking is at historic lows in this country and cars in Europe routinely get 40-50 mpg.
Agreed, on all counts.
Fuck those roads tty. They don't require the amount of taxes secured from every other fucking source.
Actually they do, and they're still not being maintained as well as they should be.

It's nice to say people don't need to drive but the reality is that roads are fundamental to economic and social prosperity.
It's a cooler day here today. At 1400 it's sunny, 61F with 51% humidity. Forecast high of 62F with no chance of rain today, and a low of 40F tonight. Perfect hiking weather. Too bad I'm at work.
And no 30's on my 10 day forecast. Tonight will be the coldest during that period. Rain coming in Wednesday. I was planning on spraying my Spring crop with Neem this week. Might wait until after the rain.
The wind came up at about 4am and woke me up. It wasn't the breeze that did it; it was the fact that it was warm and melting all the ice off the trees and those bits were raining on my house!

Then it warmed up to almost 60 today. I got my dog and we went for a nice drive up the canyon to a fun spot to play in the river. I feel thru the ice and got my sneakers wet lol Then I went to my friend's brewpub and had a few beers.

Now that's a Saturday!