

Well-Known Member
DAmnit I lost my phone in the house somewhere, I am unsure when I logged off or who I was talking to at one point,

I did find that beer I said I went to go buy, so that is a plus.

Halp me


Well-Known Member
Tc lagged me out then asked me if I was a robot several times so I got drunker with my cats while blasting terrible hip hop.

Still no phone to be found. Snow is falling beer is chilled

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
My bro is in town from Puerto Rico so i was thinking we'd eat hallucinigenic truffles and hang out. He's all stressed from this BS national match and the associated wait to learn about his hopeful residency position.

Today seems like a good day for these types of things...

TRUFFLES. The word makes me wanna laugh at it.


Well-Known Member
My bro is in town from Puerto Rico so i was thinking we'd eat hallucinigenic truffles and hang out. He's all stressed from this BS national match and the associated wait to learn about his hopeful residency position.

Today seems like a good day for these types of things...

TRUFFLES. The word makes me wanna laugh at it.
I got scamed outa $120 buying truffles online. Now i just go shrooming for free.