Few questions about sealed room vs non sealed room


Well-Known Member
Ok guys I've got a 13'×13'×7' room that I run four 1000 watt magnum XXXL's in. My Temps are great right now (72°-75° day and around mid 60s night) but only because it's winter. I do good all the way till end of spring when Temps start rising in the high 80s and up. Then my room Temps of course rise up in the 80s. They never get above 88° but I want to stay in the mid 70s. I bring in fresh air from an 8inch hyper fan and extract air thru a carbon filter with a 10 inch hyper fan. All 4 lights are air-cooled and suck fresh air from outside the room and exhaust out the other side of the room bypassing the room completely. I have 4 oscillating fans going constantly for air movement.

I'm thinking about having a mini split installed next month as spring gets here to be prepared for the summer. Can I still run my room as non sealed with the mini split? I don't want to run Co2 I'm doing good how I am now I just want to knock my Temps down.

My only worry is that the exhaust fan will suck the cool air out of the room instead of letting it cool it? My house stays in the mid to low 70s during the summer because of air conditioners but my room because of the radiant heat of the lights is always 10 degrees warmer.

My other option would be scrap the window air conditioners and buy a unit for the house so the whole house would have central air because not only do I have a vent in my room that wpuld blow cool air but like I said I'm pulling in fresh air from the basement which is same temp as the rest of the house.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
The only reason to run a "sealed" room is for Co2 enrichment. Even then the air has to be exchanged periodically.
If you have a sealed room and no added Co2.....you need to over turn the cf value of the room every hr to keep the Co2 at plant usable levels..

You should be filtering the incoming air for purity.....NO mold spores, etc..

I would go no less then 14K of cooling power on that Mini.....the more available, the better - just in case.
The only reason to run a "sealed" room is for Co2 enrichment. Even then the air has to be exchanged periodically.
If you have a sealed room and no added Co2.....you need to over turn the cf value of the room every hr to keep the Co2 at plant usable levels..

You should be filtering the incoming air for purity.....NO mold spores, etc..

I would go no less then 14K of cooling power on that Mini.....the more available, the better - just in case.

So would you say that adding central air to my whole house and continue running non sealed is not an option? As stated above I have one good vent in the room that blows heat in the winter and can potentially blow cool air in the summer if I get the central air along with the fact the house will be naturally cooler and dryer because of the central air.
Oh sure, that's an "option".. You'll still have to supplement the cooling for that room with it. I mean it won't cool that room enough......If you put the thermostat in there and set it for growing....You would get a pretty damn cold rest of the house....Colder in the winter too. Central H/C thermostat would have to control the house as a whole. Not that room as the focus by putting the thermostat in there!

Oh sure, that's an "option".. You'll still have to supplement the cooling for that room with it. I mean it won't cool that room enough......If you put the thermostat in there and set it for growing....You would get a pretty damn cold rest of the house....Colder in the winter too. Central H/C thermostat would have to control the house as a whole. Not that room as the focus by putting the thermostat in there!


Yup makes sense.

My only concern with the mini split is that the exhaust fan sucking out and the fresh air coming in would remove the cool air faster than the AC could cool the room.
Yup makes sense.

My only concern with the mini split is that the exhaust fan sucking out and the fresh air coming in would remove the cool air faster than the AC could cool the room.

You have a reasonable concern. But if your AC is on the opposite side from the exhaust as the air moves across the room it will exchange the BTUs. You might have to slow the exhaust to minimize the loss , and if the rate of exchange on the fresh air is sufficient for the room , then your golden.