Now legal. Wut 'bout landlord trouble?

Again, it's in the lease agreement. The property owner has the right to enter and inspect HIS PROPERTY at any time within reason. It's that damn simple. Why you can't get that through your head is beyond me. It's not a matter of your rights. It's a matter of the OWNERS rights.

Typically, I make rounds every 5 or 6 weeks, mostly just to check the AC/Heat filters and gas lines. (People have a habit of tampering with them to get free gas that I wind up paying for when it all comes down.)

You act like since you rent the place I have to have probable cause, a warrant and all kinds of other bullshit.

I don't. You sign that away when you sign the lease. To this day, I've never in my life seen a lease agreement that doesn't include that clause. Ever.

For what must be the 25th time: You want to grow without that risk, buy your own place and don't rent. That provides you with a great deal more security as you pretty much have next to zero right to privacy as a renter. It really is that simple.
Bullshit, dude.

Fourth amendment trumps any of your ridiculous assumptions.

You have to provide 24 hours notice. You can't look in my drawers, safes, standing wardrobes, etc. You can't - not without a warrant.

That's the fact.

Renters have rights, and you're full of shit.
Again, I'd notify the police.
And this is why everybody reading this agrees that you are King Douchelord.

You wouldn't have to notify police. You could simply tell them they have to leave immediately. You know this, but you'd rather involve the police, which makes you a fucking asshole. I hope karma sodomizes you good and hard - you deserve it.
if the place is up to code there should be enough outlets to allow a small grow. i mentioned before that i take things like that as limitations i do not push it when it comes to safety i don't use c02.
what is the fire dept. and building inspector doing in your tenants apt.? I have maintenance come over to fix their problems here (not related to grow) and i went over the circuit box with one guy.. i am not doing anything dangerous or damaging i am within my rights in fact. if they management wants to kick me out they can but if it's because of my grow they would be discriminating. This will come as a public issue and it's sad that we have growers on the uninformed side of the debate.

if i one tenant trips their sprinkler do all the sprinklers trip? i might not want to live in your building anyway it sounds like government housing
...oh you mean your grow has sprinklers . is it safe to use water fire for suppression around electronics
Nope not water dry foam shit we used in the military and they could kick you out for your grow it's in their property plus since it is illegal on the federal level still it's not discrimination. Also I don't think you get what I'm saying either on safety one have you seen some of the folks on here and take pictures of their grows? They have shit plugged into extention cords all over some rocking water and shit everywhere ghetto rigging shit together rather than doing it right. Plus I've seen a lot of ppl asking do I really need to scrub the air or will it stink blah blah blah. Point is your renting there are ppl in there with kids don't want to smell it and all that too. If you want to grow go buy a house or at the very least a mobile home and have fun. If ya can't buy either well.............might want to get some stuff together.
Bullshit, dude.

Fourth amendment trumps any of your ridiculous assumptions.

You have to provide 24 hours notice. You can't look in my drawers, safes, standing wardrobes, etc. You can't - not without a warrant.

That's the fact.

Renters have rights, and you're full of shit.
Depends on the state really. Here I have the right to enter and inspect the apartment. But not your shit. Cops with a warrant have to come search anything of suspicion.
And this is why everybody reading this agrees that you are King Douchelord.

You wouldn't have to notify police. You could simply tell them they have to leave immediately. You know this, but you'd rather involve the police, which makes you a fucking asshole. I hope karma sodomizes you good and hard - you deserve it.
I agree with this I've had one dude that did grow and I asked if he would shut it down respectful like. The only reason I'd bring the cops into the fold if they were being an ass and not respecting the lease agreement and such.
I think what a lot of ppl are failing to realize is you are RENTING you have no personal stake on the property other than you currently exchange gases inside that place for any given amount of time. Nor do I feel any of y'all have any respect for stuff you don't own. That's were the disconnect is.
And this is why everybody reading this agrees that you are King Douchelord.

You wouldn't have to notify police. You could simply tell them they have to leave immediately. You know this, but you'd rather involve the police, which makes you a fucking asshole. I hope karma sodomizes you good and hard - you deserve it.

Yes, I would.

It's called "accessory after the fact". It's a crime. If you know about a crime and fail to report it, it makes you just as guilty as the person that committed it.

Again, it's not about YOU. Why is it you expect people you don't know to go to jail and lose their property for the illegal shit that YOU DO?

Typical example: Let's say you rent from me. You grow pot without me knowing about it and sell it. You move out and I discover the remains of what was CLEARLY a grow to sell operation and I don't report it. The next day, you get busted by police who had been on your ass for days. The police raid the house before I turn it over and discover exactly what I had discovered. They then put the screws to me over it.

I'm not in business to protect YOU. I'm not in business for any other reason than to make a profit and provide for my family. If you screw with that, you god damned right I'm going to report you.


Because if I don't that puts me and my family in jeopardy over YOUR bullshit.
  • I don't know you.
  • I don't owe you anything.
  • It's not my job to cover your stupid ass for breaking the law and doing illegal shit without my knowledge.

That you have a problem with that just shows how completely ridiculous, spoiled, and entitled you are.
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Nope not water dry foam shit we used in the military and they could kick you out for your grow it's in their property plus since it is illegal on the federal level still it's not discrimination. Also I don't think you get what I'm saying either on safety one have you seen some of the folks on here and take pictures of their grows? They have shit plugged into extention cords all over some rocking water and shit everywhere ghetto rigging shit together rather than doing it right. Plus I've seen a lot of ppl asking do I really need to scrub the air or will it stink blah blah blah. Point is your renting there are ppl in there with kids don't want to smell it and all that too. If you want to grow go buy a house or at the very least a mobile home and have fun. If ya can't buy either well.............might want to get some stuff together.
just because the law backs the discrimination doesn't make it any less discrimination.
i see where you are coming from. me for instance i believe people should be able consume weed in public but not have to breath any smoke in restaurants but privet property in an apt. thats a parenting issue and if you want to be involved fine you can still discriminate but know that you are discriminating same as if you didn't allow people to pray with incense.
Depends on the state really. Here I have the right to enter and inspect the apartment. But not your shit. Cops with a warrant have to come search anything of suspicion.
just because the government says something is legal does not mean it's the right thing to do.
I think what a lot of ppl are failing to realize is you are RENTING you have no personal stake on the property other than you currently exchange gases inside that place for any given amount of time. Nor do I feel any of y'all have any respect for stuff you don't own. That's were the disconnect is.
you are proly right about people not realizing that. because we disagree.
i for one have alot of respect for nature and air and other peoples rights to own stuff but i take issue with people who own things and abuse their power to lord those things over people. i's people with those beliefs that they are entitled to a better lifestyle then others just because they own more and i don't have respect for some one who charges more then they need to to provide basic service or shelter to there follow human beings. why don't you make something or get a real job. you to @TacoMac not you @whitebb2727
just because the law backs the discrimination doesn't make it any less discrimination.
i see where you are coming from. me for instance i believe people should be able consume weed in public but not have to breath any smoke in restaurants but privet property in an apt. thats a parenting issue and if you want to be involved fine you can still discriminate but know that you are discriminating same as if you didn't allow people to pray with incense.

just because the government says something is legal does not mean it's the right thing to do.

you are proly right about people not realizing that. because we disagree.
i for one have alot of respect for nature and air and other peoples rights to own stuff but i take issue with people who own things and abuse their power to lord those things over people. i's people with those beliefs that they are entitled to a better lifestyle then others just because they own more and i don't have respect for some one who charges more then they need to to provide basic service or shelter to there follow human beings. why don't you make something or get a real job. you to @TacoMac not you @whitebb2727
I do have a real job I'm a network engineer I get to work from home is the best part. I was also enlisted for 9 years prior to that the rentals I just took over for my wife's grandmother as she's unable so I bought here buildings. As for the mobile homes she rented I gave the folks the option to just buy those flat out for 1500 bucks which there were 18 that I could have kept charging rent but decided to simply let them go for nothing. No use in constantly dumping money in those plus mainly families lived there and gave them a chance to own something.
Stealth is a very bad idea in a rental. It shows a flat out effort of deceit. In any instance where there is language in a lease barring growing, should the landlord find a stealth setup they can actually have you removed in 24 hours, not 30 days.

Be VERY careful with that. Remember, there is NO lease agreement where the land lord doesn't have the right to enter and inspect the property at any time.
The land Lord just can't walk into your house or apartment when ever they please You trippin. They have to get a hold of you some type of way first letter phone call or something. Okay so I'm at work and my landlord could just come over my place walk in and invade my privacy. Lol yeah ok
Sorry brother, assuming and obviously, you are referring to yourself - regardless if growing in a "REC" state or even MED state "within the boundries of the law", you can't own, associate with, or be around "cold steel". Your "legal" grow has just become illegal. Not too wise to openly admit to doing something illegal like that on a public forum.
We were talking about CA, not Oregon. You chimed in, assumed you are from and knew CA laws.
Which is it? Is this the law in California or every state with medical and recreational marijuana?
Stealth is a very bad idea in a rental. It shows a flat out effort of deceit. In any instance where there is language in a lease barring growing, should the landlord find a stealth setup they can actually have you removed in 24 hours, not 30 days.

Be VERY careful with that. Remember, there is NO lease agreement where the land lord doesn't have the right to enter and inspect the property at any time.
Michigan they need to give you 24 hour notice
Yes we can. If we find something like that in OUR property, we have every right to know what it is. If you refuse to let us examine what is in the box we can call the police and have them open it.

You really need to educate yourself on the law before you wind up like the countless other people that THINK they know their rights that are completely clueless about them that wind up doing 18 months in jail over it.
Police still need a warrant
Legal or not, state cannabis laws has nothing to do will your landlord/lease agreement. Just like pets, old leaking vehicles, etc. landlords can refuse lease or kick you out for whatever reason. Hell, your neighbors can shut your operation down (and possibly get you evicted) if they report it to the authorities because your grow or odor is affecting them (whether it's legitimate or a lie). I live in CA too and have seen legal grows get shut down or kicked out of the house one too many times.
Every state is different we live in a renter's state. I could not pay rent for 4 or 5 months and it would take a landlord 6 months to kick me out. Thank goodness i own my house lol.
They need one when THEY are initiating a search - unless they have probable cause. The homeowner suspecting something illegal going on and REQUESTING their property be searched does not require a warrant.

Nice try.
They do need a warrant still. I know i had that happen to me years ago shit almost 20 I'm old lol. Got the case thrown out no warrant.
I'm just saying it's NOT worth having the landlord on your ass, legality aside. Whether cops can do anything is not relevant. He will look for anything he can to get you out, including refusing to renew your lease. Even in Cali, the law tends to favor the property owner, despite having some tenant protections..
Very true
I own, but to be honest when I see some of the "grow rooms" on youtube, I would cringe if I owned those spaces as a landlord. They put a wet farming operation in carpeted rooms, triple stress the electrical, create fire hazards, and generally trash the rooms they grow in (walls and ceilings included).

For those reasons alone I would put a restriction in the lease and enforce it if I found someone being a pig.

On the other hand, if someone asked upfront, and limited it to unfinished spaces or was willing to put up a large security binder, I would give them a chance. Trying to sneak it by me wouldn't put me in a good mood.
Same here
Again, it's not about me being suspicious. I'm talking about something as simple as the off chance I pop by. It's just that easy for things to get going the wrong way.

Things that HAVE made me come over though are neighbors and the police. People see people smoking pot, or coming and going in the wee hours of the morning. Those people call the police. The police then usually call me, tell me what's going on and ask permission to enter the house and take a look.

I've never said no to them.

Again, your best bet is to have a talk with your landlord. If it is legal where you are, you need to find the statute and print it out. Set up a meeting with your landlord about it. In person is much better than over the phone. Tell and show him/her the law, what you want to do, how you're going to do it. You'll stress it's for your personal use, it will in no way damage the property and it is in fact like growing tomatoes.

You show him that, you'll almost always get the green light.
Taco mac what state are you in. That would never happen in Michigan. Not sure tenants laws where you are but in my state cops would be ass out landlord permission or not.
your such a GOD,, why dont we all follow you around

and I lived in SO CAL for 26 years,, i suppose that counts as Knowing california,,,
you can have this thread,, austa la vista baby

and you get the prime distinction of being my first block on here,, enjoy
Come on Briarton knows everything follow him lol.
And you're the world's worst reader. Go back to the beginning and read before you shoot your mouth off about things you know nothing about.

My OWNERSHIP trumps your privacy. It's in the contract, dipshit.

Yes, I am. It's my house, and it's part of the contract you signed if you live on one of my properties or any apartment complex in the nation.

Read more. Post less. You'll look less foolish.

That too isn't entirely accurate.

It is still illegal under Federal law. The owner could site that as cause for action. (Making you get rid of it or evicting you.)

Again, renters are the ones putting the owners at risk. The worst that can happen to you is you get a ticket or go to jail and you have to find another place to live.

We can lose our properties to law enforcement forever, costing us hundreds of thousands of dollars and our entire futures.

The law will ALWAYS side with the owner in this.

Again, just talk to the land lord ahead of time. If you don't, you fully deserve whatever happens to you if you're caught.
Taco your wrong if your taking about every state. There are tenants laws in many states cali I don't remember much i was only 20 back when I lived in Hollywood and Glendale from 19 to 22. But in Michigan that would not happen at age 18 that happened to me here all charges dropped no warrant search found 2 lbs