Mr. Bongwater
Well-Known Member
i hope i actually get that cap tomorrow
Yea id like to see entities aswelli'll try dmt sooner or later and post my experience i didn't know you don't fall asleep during it, sounds amazing actually do you see entities very often ? thats what im hoping for
So tell me moreIf One breaks through, there are often reports of communicating with beings.
I had a friend who blasted off, broke through, and communicated with something.
DMT Break Through Trip Report :
Around summer 2012, a very kind hippie nicknamed Bunny sold Me some very brown n,n-dmt.
The only reason I bought this dmt was to share it with people who had never smoked dmt before.
It was a shaman's blend, so to speak... I bought this regular glass cannabis pipe ONLY for this dmt...
i still own this pipe and call it "the family dmt pipe"~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~ Weirdly enough, this brown dmt smoked with a bic lighter / weed just fine, unlike pure white dmt...
[If You smoke clear dmt on weed with a bic lighter YOU WILL WASTE THE DMT]
Anywho... One day, My friend who broke through, decided He wanted to finally try smoking dmt for the first time... So We went over to Our buddies house who has a trampoline in His backyard...
We thought this would be a great for everyone to blast off on dmt... So we pack the family dmt pipe...
My buddy who broke through, We will call Him Max, Max was very excited before blasting.
Max wanted Me to help Him smoke the dmt and coax him to hit the pipe as many times as He could so He could break through.... if One wants to break through, You gotta hold each hit in as long as You can ... So We go out to the trampoline, meditate for a few minutes and Max states He is ready...
Max holds the pipe up to His lips, lights the lighter, and SOME DMT FALLS OUT OF THE PIPE !!!!!!
So We go back inside and I look down at the pipe and notice there is still quite a bit of DMT in the pipe from previous trips [a lot of the time before people would smoke dmt out of the family pipe and not finish it, so i would just leave the pipe packed with weed / dmt , not to waste it ] I pull out the tiny jar of DMT, open it, and hold it over the bowl of the family dmt pipe... I tap the jar with My finger and out falls a GIANT piece. I don't hesitate or question the dose and left it in the pipe, feeling it was meant to be. I mix the dmt in with a little bit of cannabis and the previous left overs...
... We go back out to the trampoline, ground Ourselves again with a deep breathe meditation to let go.
Once Max felt relaxed again, I asked Him if He was ready and He replied a confident "oh yeah."
I hand Him the family pipe and I light the lighter for Him this time so He would not spill any. lol
[ Luckily. Max did not get any dmt into His system before the pipe spilled. If He did take a single hit before He split the dmt, what Im about to tell You may not have happened....]
I spark the flame and hold it up to the pipe, I hold it a little far away so the dmt melted into the cannabis / previous left overs... He takes a long toke and holds it in for about 10 seconds... He blows out a little smoke, not much... He regains His breathe and takes the SECOND toke, this time I hold the lighter a little bit closer but not enough to cherry the bowl... This time Max gets more smoke and holds it in for a solid 11 seconds... Blows it out... waits a moment to regain His breathe because He took a bigger toke and is now feeling the dmt... He goes in for the THIRD toke like He has done it before... takes a HUGE toke because this time I held the lighter straight to the bowl to cherry it.... He is a BONG RIP of a toke. Holds it in for 4-5 seconds, while Im sitting there going "NONONONO, hold it in !!!!!" and He inevitably blew out A CLOUD of smoke...and started coughing....He started laughing while coughing...just like He coughs from dabs / hash oil all the time .... his eyes were watering and looked very blissed out.... he stopped coughing and regained his breathe... I ask Him "if He felt good and if He wanted to continue smoking"...
He seemed to be in a great place and asked how much was left in the pipe...
I look down at the bowl and it literally looked like He only took one toke out of the pipe.
I smile and say " dude... a lot." and He agreed quickly to keep smoking it...
He continued smoking the bowl for another 3 tokes. He held each hit in for at least 6-7 seconds...
I have never seen anyone take this much dmt in My life.... Even Myself.
He hands Me the pipe, SIX [ 6 ] tokes total. He was so high that He just laid down, face up, on the trampoline and said "see You later" with a sigh that gave a vibe of "i cant believe Im doing this"
I go inside and let Him trip... The whole duration of Him handing Me the pipe and Him coming back inside was not even 10 minutes... I try to burn sage / palo santo aka holy wood to purify the area surrounding EVERY SINGLE TIME someone smokes dmt, Myself included... I do this to protect the tripper's aura from demonic, evil spirits since dmt can leave the body uninhabited while in hyperspace.
Sage and palo santo gets rid of negative energy, and cleansing the aura of evil spirits.
Max is outside, 1 or 2 minutes into the dmt trip or since He handed Me the pipe...
When I was inside, I grabbed My sage and burned some and went outside to smudge [meaning I burned the sage to cleanse the energy] Max's tripping space, inconspicuously so I would not interrupt His trip.
I go outside and wave the sage around in the air to cleanse and just when I get out I hear this
VERY LOUD GASPING for air from Max on the trampoline...
What Im about to tell You is NOT an experience I had , Myself so I will do the best I can to describe the DMT break through that Max reported back to Me...
" I hand HeatlessBBQ the family dmt pipe and I lay back on the trampoline after taking 6 HUGE tokes of n,n,-dmt. I feel very blissful / euphoric and My vision is enveloped with sacred geometry patterns and as I lay back on the trampoline, I see Myself slowly rise out of My body. As I slowly but quickly rise out of My body, I get older and older and older. The more I raised out of My body, the more older I got... I kept growing and raising higher and older to a point where I could not get any higher or older anymore... Just as I got to this point.... I was cannon ball blasted back into My body like warp speed... From being old to being back to the earth, my body, the backyard, the trampoline, and everything... This happened in a matter of 10 seconds, then IMMEDIATELY I was literally RIPPED out of My body. I felt like I got electrocuted by the divine. This feeling was so intense I gasped for air and forgot to breathe. I got shot up into a psychedelic, portal of a rabbit hole. With a round membrane wall that is made out of wire frames, rapid moving geometric patterns, and on the outside of the wall of the portal membrane was this being , guiding me out of this psychedelic , colorful rabbit hole / portal. I could not see any details of this beings face but I could tell it was a face or a being of some kind.... I felt like I was strapped to a rocket going a million miles an hour through this trippy tunnel.... I was inevitably being guided by this being through this tunnel to a point where I was pulled out of the portal wall's membrane ... It was like I got sucked through some psychedelic jello or jelly... Once I was out of the portal.. I was in another place, where I met this being and saw it in full detail...
If One breaks through, there are often reports of communicating with beings.i'll try dmt sooner or later and post my experience i didn't know you don't fall asleep during it, sounds amazing actually do you see entities very often ? thats what im hoping for
all in due time. it should come to You at the perfect momentHopefully all try deems soon short on money unfortunately
Yes, ... Yes He did. hahahahaYour friend had quite the journey
yeah...that stand by break was annoying...Alright guys sight is back up stop on buy !!!!
Also i may have come into some geltabs any ifo on these ? BBQ let me no
honestly, throwdo... I'd get the strongest , most pure LSD You can get, if I were You...Well hes got two diffrent kinds never had anything but blotters myself
Always a great feeling... Going into outter space then straight back to earth... literallyI took a mg Saturday night . Recreated the entire universe from scratch and then had to pick up my toys and go to work Sunday morning
yeah this "over 150 aug a tab" talk, is usually a lie...Geltabs are good bro they taste a little salty cause of the gelatin. Pretty fire I had some yellows that were like 150. He said 220 but I think it was lower
Yea there like pyramids i thinkGeltabs are good bro they taste a little salty cause of the gelatin. Pretty fire I had some yellows that were like 150. He said 220 but I think it was lower do You create a set and setting where someone wont fuck with YOur trip???It was absolute bliss. I think if you have experience you should try it. I was seeing broad daylight when it was night, the left over to the right and vice versa when I looked at my cactus I saw them grow and rewind and the buildings rewind. Every piece of everything I saw reminded to nothing and flash forward to now