Driving around looking at Christmas lights sounds awesome.
I don't have anyone to trip sit Me... I guess I'm gunna slowly work My way up to that dose.
Was the oven on when You tried to climb into it?
That is the type of stuff, I'm talking about... Obviously You wouldnt do that...
but anyone on that much lsd would...
Do You have complete awareness of what You are doing when You are on 1,000 micrograms?
Do You still have control of Your own actions while tripping that hard on LSD,
@mikek420 ?
Because I took 450 micrograms one time, and thought some kids were going to kill Me...
I ditched them in the woods. Some would say My ability to discern was thrown off...
and "just tripping"...I just dont want to react to suggestive stimuli like that.
Because it IS a known fact that if One takes OVER 400 micrograms,
Their ability to discern IS thrown off, and most likely can react to sugestive stimuli...
in other words...this means one can FREAK THE FUCK OUT on 400+ micrograms of LSD.
I have heard people peaking for 8 hours on 1,000 micrograms, and tripped for 18-22 hours.
When I dropped 400 micrograms the other day,
@throwdo , the peak lasted AT LEAST 5 hours.