Moving in


Active Member
hey guys wazzaaaaaa?
i wanted to move my pot into a closet and switch to flower,its a 10x6feet closet
all am worried about is does locking the plant in a closet for 12 hours everyday damage the plant in anyway i need to know about?im mostly worried about that does the plant get as much as air it needs in a closet or not?


Well-Known Member
You will need to make sure they get good air flow. Not only does it help with growth. But it also dissipates heat. And let's out excess moisture. Otherwise you could have heat stressed plants. And/or moldy bud.


Active Member
You will need to make sure they get good air flow. Not only does it help with growth. But it also dissipates heat. And let's out excess moisture. Otherwise you could have heat stressed plants. And/or moldy bud.
my current ac is a dc 12 0.2 A case cooler i guess i need to get a bigger one right?
and just to make sure its just about getting the air in the closet flowin or should i make a kinda in and out air flow in the closet?

Well-Known Member
that is a shit ton of space "air" you could lock that closet and it will be good as gold just make sure as nugachino said that their is a fan inside blowing air onto your plants to stop mold your problem won't be air in a closed closet of that size it will be heat


Active Member
that is a shit ton of space "air" you could lock that closet and it will be good as gold just make sure as nugachino said that their is a fan inside blowing air onto your plants to stop mold your problem won't be air in a closed closet of that size it will be heat
right on!
my fan is a pc case cooler tho should i get an AC fan for them?

Well-Known Member
the thing is this the longer you leave the door closed with the light on the hotter it will get as there is no where for the hot air to go unless you are extracting to a different air space the loft/ the room the closet is in that can work as long as the window is open

i personally box grow 1 plant in a closet and i put a frozen water bottle next to my intake this works as a crude air con unit blowing cold air in the box my temps run at 73f and the bottle needs changing twice a day averaging 6 hours cooling time

i leave the lid on the frozen bottle and humidity is spot on like 50%

i found this works for me so keep doing it i am growing an auto and am on week 5 and she is doing well

Well-Known Member
ok i don't know how old/big your plant is but that light in that space is not gonna kick off much heat

you are gonna add more lights as she grows right?

Well-Known Member
if you are using cfl for 1 to 2 plants 150w minimum 6400k for veg 2700k for flower, keep them close as possible, bit of lst

bobs your uncle lol

good luck bro


Active Member
ok i don't know how old/big your plant is but that light in that space is not gonna kick off much heat

you are gonna add more lights as she grows right?
so the fan is kinda okay right?
i wanna move it into a closet so in the 12/12 period it gets enough night time and surely would open the closet every day to check on my plant n all and leave the door open just a crack to let some air in
its my first grow so i donno quite well about adding more lights lol noob alert
its about 8 weeks old and 9 inches tall
any suggestion about adding up lights?

Well-Known Member
you need more lights dude you won't get much yeild off that light

  • Fluorescent grow lights get smaller yields per watt than the other types of grow lights if you use them in the flowering stage while buds are forming. With fluorescents you can expect about 0.25 grams of buds for every watt of electricity (using the true watts out the wall, not any type of "equivalent" watts), while LEDs and HPS get 2-4 times as much yield per watt of electricity.
you really need 150w to pull like an ounce or even a half ounce

buy a couple of cheap lamp holders and some more 40 w bulbs maybe a couple of lamp socket spliters so you can run two 40w from one plug and the get a couple of those that would be like 160w and then you are gonna get some good weight yeild otherwise you are gonna get like 4 grams and think that wasn't worth my time


Active Member
thanks man,its just one plant tho
you need more lights dude you won't get much yeild off that light

  • Fluorescent grow lights get smaller yields per watt than the other types of grow lights if you use them in the flowering stage while buds are forming. With fluorescents you can expect about 0.25 grams of buds for every watt of electricity (using the true watts out the wall, not any type of "equivalent" watts), while LEDs and HPS get 2-4 times as much yield per watt of electricity.
you really need 150w to pull like an ounce or even a half ounce

buy a couple of cheap lamp holders and some more 40 w bulbs maybe a couple of lamp socket spliters so you can run two 40w from one plug and the get a couple of those that would be like 160w and then you are gonna get some good weight yeild otherwise you are gonna get like 4 grams and think that wasn't worth my time
so i gotta get 4 bulbs for a total of 160w..should i put them around the pot or just get one of these sockets and hang the bulbs on the top of my plant?

Well-Known Member
1 plant 160w is perfect i am using 155w currently for 1 plant and i might increase to 185w in a week or so you want to hang the bulbs above the plant or 2 above two for side lighting i personally would put them all above


Well-Known Member
50-80w per square foot of floor space you wish to cover. CFLs can be hung mere inches away. LED/COBs can be hung as close as a half foot away. And HID lights need a good foot of room.