Seamaiden's gifted seeds journal


Well-Known Member
You're talking to Americans, Poba, remember? :lol: We get our panties in a wad if we think the president screwed someone other than his wife. And, then there's also that "keeping our fingers in everyone else's pies" thing. ;)

Cee, I've taken a look at those hermie flowers (the ones I cut off) and there's no pollen coming from them. I didn't use my jeweler's loupe, but I did have my reading glasses on and I couldn't see a thing. I still wash off like a surgeon after I've been messing with it, though.


Well-Known Member
Thats strange for a cixbb to herm i had to stress one into 3 veg flower cycles to get it to go full herm for feminized seeds,it hermed at all flower sites when it did.I harvested most of my cali,has a wicked dankness to it,had to do something while riding out IKE,Peace :weed:By the way i over pollenated and i now have hundreds of seeds...


Well-Known Member
Hydro! I've been wondering where you were and how you were doing. How's it shakin'?

Yes, I thought it was weird that of all the plants that had the best chances of going hermie, it was this one. If someone had asked me to lay bets, I would have chosen the Connies or one of my Bagseed Girls. I think that hermie really digs being in the closet. It looks great, better than it did before I put it in there.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to "have" to start sampling some of these gifted girls within the next couple of days, too. At least The Lone Papaya and Miss California Indica x Big Bud (maybe her name should be super-hyphenated, like some San Francisco feminist :lol:). I also have a few clones to move downstairs to the new veg room Dave's made for me. Still need at least one more fluoro fixture for that, too, maybe two. And THEN we need to get the new grow-room started, because I'm gonna re-veg those two girls more than likely, seems better than cloning over and over again.


Well-Known Member
And I still haven't added any more pix of yet. It's been WINDY, and rain's coming so we spent the afternoon battening down the hatches, cleaning gutters, and generally making ready for much water from the sky.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. This woman REALLY could use some smoke, though. I sampled four girls, including Cali. Indica x Big Bud, and I think my quick drying method borked 'em because I didn't get that high. Of course, I may have a very high tolerance more than anything, but... naw.


Well-Known Member
i feel ya. i'm running on less than an oz in my stash and haven't even begun flowering anything ... need to get electricity in my shed before i can flower