Bict 16/17. Straya m8 2.0

Thanks. I always have that around the house. Do you just dust it around the plant?

I had to cut one of my two CPDA's in ALe early due to termites. They also got a CP1 in ALw. She was the mother that I used for the Big & Stinky X CP1 cross. Seeds were mature and the bud was smokable, so it didn't hurt me as bad as it could have. Taste was not optimal.
yep bugs hate it, as it burns them. you can also powder it up and water in around base
Surely id see stem damage if it was termites?
I lost 7 plants last year and 9 this year to termites .sometimes they chew through the bottom of the stalk and go up inside it. HOPING you dont have termites cause there bastards. BUT if you keep watering the pkants and the plants look like they havnt had water in weeks then its a good chance termites are eating through your roots
Nvm, just found out TAs doesn't have termites haha

I have a photo of aus that highlights where they are and TAs doesn't. Tas is the only state in AUS without em :p

I think its either under watering or because the sun is getting lower as it comes to the end of summer and they arr on a slope so they are reaching out causing them to droop. As I said at twilight time they all spring back up.
sounds like underwatering then. PERHAPS another 10 litres per plant
STILL have maybe 11 females that havnt started flowering. 2 tnr females ,1 serious 6 female 3 bush indicas , 6 sweet sativas , 2 aurora indicas. REALLY enjoying this heat been pumping the plants full of water 3 times a week. WAS going to put up some pics of the plants that havnt started to flower yet but it wont let me.some of my auto berry x photo male have stopped flowering and started to reveg which is interesting no complaining they have grown another foot and seem to be in full veg mode very interesting to watch.
Never heard too much about termites eating cannabis plants, but stranger things have happened. You sure that wasnt root aphids?
NAH it was termites took pics of them last year and google searched them and they wer identical. IT seems they dont like certain plants growing in there area. WE have hundreds of termite mounds up here up to 7 foot tall. CLOSET mound was 500 metres away but looks like they started building a mound in my area as well.if i lose anymore this year i will take a pic of the termites for you. has photos and stories that are exactly like mine. SOME stories of of termites chewing through the stem and others are of termites coming up under the stem and hollowing it out. LAST year they hollowed them out this year they chewed through the sucks because you cant save then and they die in 24 hours
Not that I didnt believe you lol, just never heard that one. Fuck that, have to find a different area to plant my goodies
NEVEr had a problem until lastyear.
Yeah I imagine they reek havoc, little cunts
worst part is you build cages to stop insects and wallabies raping them but you cant stop thing coming up from the ground .haha. shit happens id rather lose them to termites and wallabies then to rippers. GOOD luck with your season (:
NEVEr had a problem until lastyear.

worst part is you build cages to stop insects and wallabies raping them but you cant stop thing coming up from the ground .haha. shit happens id rather lose them to termites and wallabies then to rippers. GOOD luck with your season (:
Yip Mother Nature can be a bitch. Thanks good luck with yours too. I'm currently revegging since they had started to flower and going to let them veg another month or so at least before I flower them, all good in the hood, aint no fukn termites on the roof, only the remnants of white flies
Yip Mother Nature can be a bitch. Thanks good luck with yours too. I'm currently revegging since they had started to flower and going to let them veg another month or so at least before I flower them, all good in the hood, aint no fukn termites on the roof, only the remnants of white flies
IS it better to grow sativas or indicas over where you are ?
Still getting some droopy tops. Up'd the watering to three 9 litres containers each every 3-4 days. About 7 us gallons.

Thing is they weren't drooping when I went up last night when it wasn't getting towards darkness. Go up this morning and tops are drooping on certain plants.

Plants transfer a lot of sugars from the their foliage to the roots late in the afternoon than back up in the morning,boron is responsible for this movement of sugars it's only a guess but maybe if your lacking boron it's taking a bit longer for this transfer to happen ? Lack of silica can make new growth a bit weak sometimes and look a bit droopy ?
Plants transfer a lot of sugars from the their foliage to the roots late in the afternoon than back up in the morning,boron is responsible for this movement of sugars it's only a guess but maybe if your lacking boron it's taking a bit longer for this transfer to happen ? Lack of silica can make new growth a bit weak sometimes and look a bit droopy ?
Could be. I'll give em some more food on Monday. Its legit only the tops drooping. The lats are firm, all the leaves are fine pointing up, just the tops are bent over like a French whore.
Could be. I'll give em some more food on Monday. Its legit only the tops drooping. The lats are firm, all the leaves are fine pointing up, just the tops are bent over like a French whore.

Maybe give them a micro nutrient mix with your normal nutes,you can get them in powder or liquid form at Bunnings a $12 dollar bottle will treat 200 litres
NAH it was termites took pics of them last year and google searched them and they wer identical. IT seems they dont like certain plants growing in there area. WE have hundreds of termite mounds up here up to 7 foot tall. CLOSET mound was 500 metres away but looks like they started building a mound in my area as well.if i lose anymore this year i will take a pic of the termites for you.
this Alsystin SC from bayer will rid your outdoor plots of termites, i mix it at double recommended dose which is 2gr per 10 lires, just total drench the soil twice in 7 days, it interferes with the larvae forming, its originally meant for sciarid fly larvae in mushroom compost farms but works well on termites too, some hydro stores sell it as sciarid fly drench for fungus gnats, i buy it in bulk container from wholesaler for around $300
used this stuff for years, not often cos the termites dont come back to that area after treatment, noticed no toxicity to plants or humans
listed below as 'sciarid kill' & Diseases/Pesticides