Rooftop SE Asia

Well obviously you didnt read the rest of the thread....And if you came over here to make comments like that, then find something else to look at, Im not here for pissing contest or CRAP as you call it

I did read some it. But it went down hill. See yah ! I'll come back when pictures are back. :)
Thanks Pineappleman420. This afternoon took a big bowl of soapy water, meat from 1 leaf of Aloe, and a teaspoon of LAB and dunked all the seedlings in it, gave them a good bath. Ive not noticed white flies on the plants but noticed some when I went up this morning and started moving plants around, those little cunts were in the air. Then I dumped it all on the older plants soaked the shit out of them. Everything looking pretty crazy revegging but they are putting on some weight. Already spotted a couple males out of the seedling bunch which I'll be putting out back with the other males soon, they arent very far along.
Thanks Pineappleman420. This afternoon took a big bowl of soapy water, meat from 1 leaf of Aloe, and a teaspoon of LAB and dunked all the seedlings in it, gave them a good bath. Ive not noticed white flies on the plants but noticed some when I went up this morning and started moving plants around, those little cunts were in the air. Then I dumped it all on the older plants soaked the shit out of them. Everything looking pretty crazy revegging but they are putting on some weight. Already spotted a couple males out of the seedling bunch which I'll be putting out back with the other males soon, they arent very far along.
When I did gorilla outdoor gardening back home I always had a sacrificel sweet potato plant because the bugs would attack that and leave my babies alone...
I was just over having a look on the "job" network site unlinkedin, should be named cantlinkfuck and had a laugh. Some recruiter posted these pictures up of his new staff, a girl and a boy dressed up, must be just out of uni. They literally look 12 years wonder people cant find work when "professionals" like these are spearheading recruitment drives, their title in 6 months will undoubtedly be drilling and completion senior specialist....The caption says "if you are looking for your next contract get in touch"...yeah ok.
Thanks Pineappleman420. This afternoon took a big bowl of soapy water, meat from 1 leaf of Aloe, and a teaspoon of LAB and dunked all the seedlings in it, gave them a good bath. Ive not noticed white flies on the plants but noticed some when I went up this morning and started moving plants around, those little cunts were in the air. Then I dumped it all on the older plants soaked the shit out of them. Everything looking pretty crazy revegging but they are putting on some weight. Already spotted a couple males out of the seedling bunch which I'll be putting out back with the other males soon, they arent very far along.

A good companion plant to use to ward off White Fly is Marigolds. I once had a grow op in a shed and my plants got infested with White Flies. I planted several Marigold plants just outside the door, and never had White Flies again.

I found that a large Mulberry tree in my front yard was also infested with White Flies, and in research I discovered that an ingredient in worm castings was good at killing them, so I watered that area several times with worm castings tea, and that tree was cleared of White Flies, too.

A good companion plant to use to ward off White Fly is Marigolds. I once had a grow op in a shed and my plants got infested with White Flies. I planted several Marigold plants just outside the door, and never had White Flies again.

I found that a large Mulberry tree in my front yard was also infested with White Flies, and in research I discovered that an ingredient in worm castings was good at killing them, so I watered that area several times with worm castings tea, and that tree was cleared of White Flies, too.

Ill be finding marigold plant then for next season
A good companion plant to use to ward off White Fly is Marigolds. I once had a grow op in a shed and my plants got infested with White Flies. I planted several Marigold plants just outside the door, and never had White Flies again.

I found that a large Mulberry tree in my front yard was also infested with White Flies, and in research I discovered that an ingredient in worm castings was good at killing them, so I watered that area several times with worm castings tea, and that tree was cleared of White Flies, too.

That's good info, cheers :)