White people, particularly men:

Do you think you and I will ever be able to have a civil conversation?
I think of AC as UB's squior. Civil conversation isn't in their nature. Though AC is ever so slightly more inclined toward a conversation.

What these men, and for them I use that word loosely, what they practice is the art of slander.

They know on most issues that their gut emotional reactions aren't capable of a rational defense. That's why all you see them do is call names, make up things about you, quote you out of context or even intentionally misquote you, and lie.

Then the Don Buquohite and his squire with their possee of camp followers give each other digital high fives for repeating the same shit over and over.
I was living in Florida and I needed a job. I was hungry and desperate for money. It was harvest time for oranges and I thought I could get money by picking fruit. I walked up to the man in charge a white guy and asked him for a job. He said whites are to lazy and wouldn't hire me, that happened two times that day. After that I voted for Trump.
I was living in Florida and I needed a job. I was hungry and desperate for money. It was harvest time for oranges and I thought I could get money by picking fruit. I walked up to the man in charge a white guy and asked him for a job. He said whites are to lazy and wouldn't hire me, that happened two times that day. After that I voted for Trump.
Don't be such a lazy ass YT...
So what is your story about the white devil keeping you down?
Well your overwhelming stupidity has caused my time to be wasted, and now I have this dumb fucking question to look at because it came into my alerts. Read the thread title ya dingus. That's not what the thread is about.

I'm assuming you can read it on your own, maybe that's where I'm wrong.