I have three daughters. I also am NOT PC. I say offensive things all the time. You could've followed me around for the last twenty years and not heard anything like this. Ever. Even drunk, on coke, and surrounded by 1%s, you wouldn't hear that.
I really want to hear the defense on this. NOT politics. DEFEND THIS.
I have three daughters. I also am NOT PC. I say offensive things all the time. You could've followed me around for the last twenty years and not heard anything like this. Ever. Even drunk, on coke, and surrounded by 1%s, you wouldn't hear that.
I really want to hear the defense on this. NOT politics. DEFEND THIS.

I like you. Lol
Do his core Christian voters consider pedophillia to be a lesser sin than rape-incest? He's delivered on MPGA with his twin passions no?
From what @Flaming Pie has said, his core Christian voters consider pedophilia an awful thing when fake news says Democrats do it. @tampee seems to be saying that any liberal caught in the act should be put to death.

@Flaming Pie says that when Trump does it, it is a sign of fatherly care and tenderness. It's my guess that @tampee wishes he had a daughter because as a conservative, it's OK to rape his own daughter. I have no idea how young she would be when he did this however. Maybe he can shed light on his perversion.