Ban white people

It's a safe assumption, whereas trusting ypipo has proven dangerous for many throughout history.
Someone ask you to trust them?
Didn't you have a different avatar last week or so?

White people got you down?
Tired of broken promises from white politicians?
Try but sore sour cream.
But sore sour cream has vitamins and minerals that nurish your butt hole wihle nobody gives a fuck.

Sorry couldn't resist. True questions..
Me: "White people are all beneficiaries of a brutal and systematic legacy of violence and are therefore not to be trusted"

Dumb ass YT: "sometimes a few people that weren't white were kinda bad sometimes"
No dude you are racest . 1 in 3 or 3 in ten are good people 1 outa ten would enjoy killing in a war. You know you want blood. You are caught up on a low level and are secptable to propaganda because your base is in hate. You will ignore facts and act rashly. Don't call me a yt
Dickhead:"do you answer to ..."
Sounds like its directed at you right?
Thats what you did you (mis)qouted me with yt: insert line
And i take isue with your calling whites yts same if you called blacks a name.
Maybevi should just just get off your thread .