Brother, sister-in-law and at least one of their daughters are rabid right wingers and survivalist types. I love them all. My brother and I manage to discuss politics without it getting personal. Basically, he wants the same for this country and the people in it that I do. He just thinks different leadership will deliver it. Why he thinks that is a mystery to me but he probably thinks the same of me.
My favorite take-away from one of our discussions a few years ago was his telling me that Obama was planning to overthrow the US government in 2016. He told me all about a documentary that describes the entire criminal plan. I even tried to watch it but it wasn't available on Netflix streaming service.
It it is still the highest grossing documentary ever. Fake news pays. Really, really well.
I wouldn't have heard of this madness if my brother hadn't told me about it.
So, OK, I see my brother as a nut case. But he's my brother. Nothing is going to change that.
The nutjobs who believe Trump is the greatest president we'll ever have are fellow US citizens. I can dislike their politics without disliking them. There are limits. No violence or glorifying it. Don't talk racist shit or object if I object to it and I can get along with them. Their support for a racist leader is pushing my patience but I don't believe that this makes all of them racists.
@spandy on the other hand, is a hateful racist cop snitch who doesn't deserve to be tolerated. If he were in my circle of friends, I'd question who I was associating with. I'd spill gasoline on his truck if I had the chance, just like every gas station attendant in Oregon did the last and only time he visited my fair state. He must be a real asshole in real life too.