1200W LED Grow Panel from Geyapex, how do you think?

Oddly, nobody ever thought of using COBs angled as required to spread the light over a large area. They always have them all pointing straight down, which is great fo9r the one plant in the middle but not so great for the rest. You would mount the ones in the middle almost straight down, and then the ones on the edges and corners pointing more outward. Ideally, they would all be individually adjustable like track lamps but I guess you'd need individual heat sinks for that. Could do it though, pin heat sinks are designed for tilted positions anyway.
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5 reasons not to buy this light.
1. Way too big, no one needs such a big and heavy weight light,
2. much too high hotspot, no even coverage,
3. to much needed distance to avoid bleeching(3-4ft) means too much unneccessary distance losses,
4. you can get the same intensity with only two 400w or one 800w lights @2ft from canopy,
5. much to much unwanted and inefficient mono's,

4 Ways of improvement:
1. if this are top bin cxa2540 okay, but I don't think so, better use only clu048-1212, CRI70/80/90, gen6, instead,
2. remove all the blurple cluster and use ⅓ of the COB's in 4.000k on a separat veg circle and only 3.000k for 2. switch,
3. if you absolutely want to add monos, add 2*660nm and 1*730nm to each COB, this can improve photosyntesis with minimal energy expenditure (keyword: emerson effect)
4. instead of blue monos consider to add a good 2ft UVB/UVA reptile bulb as terpene enhancer and for additional veging capabilities

If you want to hear your company name in one breath with other high-end products, you must use the best LED available and these monos and mid or low bin cxa2540's are definitely do not belong to it.
But you already got the same answers in you other thread with only a smaller unit.;)
Oddly, nobody ever thought of using COBs angled as required to spread the light over a large area. They always have them all pointing straight down, which is great fo9r the one plant in the middle but not so great for the rest. You would mount the ones in the middle almost straight down, and then the ones on the edges and corners pointing more outward. Ideally, they would all be individually adjustable like track lamps but I guess you'd need individual heat sinks for that. Could do it though, pin heat sinks are designed for tilted positions anyway.
thanks for your suggestion, I think we can use different angle optics lens like 120 degree lens to make bigger spreading, of course we will consider the possibility of making the cob angle adjustable, thanks again (:
5 reasons not to buy this light.
1. Way too big, no one needs such a big and heavy weight light,
2. much too high hotspot, no even coverage,
3. to much needed distance to avoid bleeching(3-4ft) means too much unneccessary distance losses,
4. you can get the same intensity with only two 400w or one 800w lights @2ft from canopy,
5. much to much unwanted and inefficient mono's,

4 Ways of improvement:
1. if this are top bin cxa2540 okay, but I don't think so, better use only clu048-1212, CRI70/80/90, gen6, instead,
2. remove all the blurple cluster and use ⅓ of the COB's in 4.000k on a separat veg circle and only 3.000k for 2. switch,
3. if you absolutely want to add monos, add 2*660nm and 1*730nm to each COB, this can improve photosyntesis with minimal energy expenditure (keyword: emerson effect)
4. instead of blue monos consider to add a good 2ft UVB/UVA reptile bulb as terpene enhancer and for additional veging capabilities

If you want to hear your company name in one breath with other high-end products, you must use the best LED available and these monos and mid or low bin cxa2540's are definitely do not belong to it.
But you already got the same answers in you other thread with only a smaller unit.;)
Thank you so much for your detailed answers, which is very valuable to us. our new line products will use CREE CXB 3590/CLU048-1218/Gen 6 for people to choose, and yes, I'm totally agreed that using 4000k for veg and 3000k/2700k for flowers, we're designing one cob grow bar with 4 cob, each runs 50w-75w, 200w-300w totally, may I ask how long of the bar you would suggest please? thanks (:
I try to think with reason and logic, only thing i can come up with is looks like a money grab. Marketing departmet compined two words solo and max that dont even make sense together so it fits with all the other broken english. Solo is individual, individuals are weak, groups and collectives are strong. This is how i think, as for what i think, i think they will hit a target market of individuals who buy based on glossy marketing, you did well with that but the light itself is nothing special which you alredy know.
Thank you so much for your detailed answers, which is very valuable to us. our new line products will use CREE CXB 3590/CLU048-1218/Gen 6 for people to choose, and yes, I'm totally agreed that using 4000k for veg and 3000k/2700k for flowers, we're designing one cob grow bar with 4 cob, each runs 50w-75w, 200w-300w totally, may I ask how long of the bar you would suggest please? thanks (:

I would suggest 3ft/85-90cm for a 4 COB bar because it fits in 3'x3' and 4'x4 tent' nicely.
Or a 3 COB/150w and a 4 COB/200w bar, front and rear COB with 60° reflector/lens option to increase corner/side intensity.
In addition, such a system is easily scalable and applicable to almost any surface.
Maybe another 2 COB line for smaller tents or as additional lighting.
I try to think with reason and logic, only thing i can come up with is looks like a money grab. Marketing departmet compined two words solo and max that dont even make sense together so it fits with all the other broken english. Solo is individual, individuals are weak, groups and collectives are strong. This is how i think, as for what i think, i think they will hit a target market of individuals who buy based on glossy marketing, you did well with that but the light itself is nothing special which you alredy know.
its obviously one dude named Max who is a badass. it just might be...

There's a YouTube channel called Grow Pot Cheaply and the guy sells similar high wattage LED lights and he said they have to be about 4 feet above the plants to avoid burning/bleaching. Apparently there's a limit to what's a practical wattage. And the heat coming off that thing must be incredible.