recent DDoS attack

Vostok just likes to speculate shit
Indeed I do Sunni

and with little input from you even those above you

what has this membership to do

but Speculate..?

Since when has RIU been a member of the 'Dark Web'

what other sites were taking down by these guys

Hackers with a cause are often seen as idealistic 'young' males'

so don't these hackers smoke weed?

what is the admin to do, to prevent this situation occurring again

thank you in advance
Indeed I do Sunni

and with little input from you even those above you

what has this membership to do

but Speculate..?

Since when has RIU been a member of the 'Dark Web'

what other sites were taking down by these guys

Hackers with a cause are often seen as idealistic 'young' males'

so don't these hackers smoke weed?

what is the admin to do, to prevent this situation occurring again

thank you in advance
see your problem is that you assume annon. hacked us and they didnt.
they just happened to have hacked other sites and you decided they were responsible here
but they werent

you want us to tell you everything we did and what we plan to do and thats just not something thats gunna happen
it sucked, it got fixed, images are being fixed, and we move on
Indeed I do Sunni

and with little input from you even those above you

what has this membership to do

but Speculate..?

Since when has RIU been a member of the 'Dark Web'

what other sites were taking down by these guys

Hackers with a cause are often seen as idealistic 'young' males'

so don't these hackers smoke weed?

what is the admin to do, to prevent this situation occurring again

thank you in advance
I think the appropriate action is to identify the hackers, burn down their houses, and fat shame their women. That will teach them not to fuck with RIU.
The real deal with this Anon Gp is their MO

its really old school hacking shit that we did as kids back in the day

DDs attack ...facepalm ...? like old school as you can get
The real deal with this Anon Gp is their MO

its really old school hacking shit that we did as kids back in the day

DDs attack ...facepalm ...? like old school as you can get
yet it works even now? person would think modern firewalls etc would keep the miscreants at bay?
Potentially compromised personal info is a concern, but I've heard nothing about it happening so I'm just going with the flow...
Im a mushroom and did miss the site when it was down. Glad its back up.

Can you share any info for those of us who may be interested in what happened and why? (in a non tech way for us older simpletons)
someone attacked the network we use, other website uses the network it wasnt a specific attack on us we just got hit int he cross fire
why? idk people are assholes
No disrespect, and I don't want to cause trouble, but it's disappointing to see @squarepush3r's post get no response. I have no more than a layman's understanding of DDOS, but it seems reasonable that once the attack is over, the site would be exactly as it was before.

I understand the need for security in a nasty internet world, and wouldn't want the administrators to divulge anything that might compromise the site. But when we're given almost no information, and what we are given doesn't clearly jive with what we can observe, then we have to assume that what's really going on is worse than what we're being told.

Again, I really and truly mean no disrespect, and I sincerely hope I'm wrong. I love this site. But even if I grant that it was a DDOS, and that that is somehow responsible for the current problem with images, the fact that the "team" has been working on the issue for so many days now, with no updates and no noticeable progress, one has to question whether the "team" is more than one person, and whether or not they are up to the task.

I'm not trying to lay blame on anyone; I'm just saying that if an administrator came on the site and said something like "Sorry, everyone, I'm afraid RIU is actually just run by one person, and he/she just lost his/her job, broke up with his/her spouse, got the flu, slipped on a banana peel, or whatever, and it's going to be a while before anything gets better, if ever," then I bet some people here would step up and offer to help. Many -- and probably most -- of us here really care about this site, and if there are serious issues, well, there are a lot of people who are very good at finding creative solutions to problems on this site. It's part of what makes it so great.

Thanks for listening; I hope you can tell us more about what's going on; and in any case good luck with the repairs.
I'm not trying to lay blame on anyone; I'm just saying that if an administrator came on the site and said something like "Sorry, everyone, I'm afraid RIU is actually just run by one person, and he/she just lost his/her job, broke up with his/her spouse, got the flu, slipped on a banana peel, or whatever, and it's going to be a while before anything gets better, if ever," then I bet some people here would step up and offer to help. Many -- and probably most -- of us here really care about this site, and if there are serious issues, well, there are a lot of people who are very good at finding creative solutions to problems on this site. It's part of what makes it so great.

Thanks for listening; I hope you can tell us more about what's going on; and in any case good luck with the repairs.
people are well aware we only have one admin who only works on weekdays
ive said it a million times, you know what people tell us than? "youre making up excuses "

so honestly i just dont even bother given information anymore because someone always comes up with hoiw they would fix it, or whats wrong with it or whats this and that

the reality is they dont know, because they arent looking at the puzzle, and sometimes multiple things break, and sometimes something breaks with correlation with another event

either way you all will continue to spout off information you think it is so why bother explaining when i get shown the hand and sayings like " NO YOURE WRONG"

like above what squarepusher said.
this isnt a light switch it isnt on off button

in any event, we have told everyone the amount we wish to tell people , we have updated users and i will do my best to keep any updates about when pictures should be returning.
This is like reading politics :bigjoint: at least we know there's x person(s) working on it and that it will probably be fixed on a week-day.
And we also know that there's not much for us to know about this case other than we need to wait it out.
Smoke a herb, I'm sure this topic will be forgotten by most of us sooner than later :peace:
I bet they haven't even checked the oscicillator overthrusters yet! RIU has not worked as a portal to the 7th dimension ever since the attack started.
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Thanks, @sunni, for your reply. I'm pretty new here; I wasn't aware that it was well known that there was only one admin -- I see your avatar says "administrator," and I've also seen members @Admin and @rollitup whose avatars say the same, so that looks like at least three. But maybe a member designated as "administrator" is not an administrator in the sense of the website.

In any case, I think you summed it up nicely with:
in any event, we have told everyone the amount we wish to tell people

Okay, fair enough. In truth, I am really not all that interested in what happened to the site -- that is very thankfully not my problem.

But I do have what I think is a legitimate concern: Is the continued availability of RIU subject to the whims and wellbeing of a single person? In other words, presumably someone pays the web-hosting bill when it comes around, collects the advertising checks, pays the person who is currently working on the server (or does it him or herself). If that person loses interest, gets sick, or gets hit by a truck crossing the street, is it all over once the bills are overdue?

I hope nobody will take offence at my suggesting that that might be the case; I am hoping to hear an assurance that it's not. When the site was down I poked around the internet hoping to hear some news of what was going on. What I found was a Facebook page that hadn't been updated since early December; some members were posting there looking for news. No information on that page, which can't be in any way tied to the RIU site, is what really made me start to worry.

Sorry for going on, and I will shut the hell up in just a moment. I just want to add that, aside from being the best forum of it's type, which would be sorely missed, there is such a great wealth of information on this site, that it would be a real loss if anything happened to it. I feel like we should petition the Library of Congress to archive everything here as a national treasure (well, maybe not everything... ). No other site can compare.

So what I am saying is that if RIU isn't as stable and secure as it should be, I'd like to talk about it now, while we have a forum to talk in. If we lose it, we'll just be a bunch of people scattered across other forums griping about how much they suck...

Thanks again for your earlier reply, and for all your work.